who should you contact to report an error in blackboard? quizlet

by Keaton Deckow 6 min read

When I need help inside Blackboard I contact quizlet?

In Blackboard, go to Tools > Blackboard Help. Contact Wake Tech's Blackboard helpdesk, 919-866-7000. Contact your instructor. Call after-hours support, 1-866-471-4252.

What should you do first when encountering a technical problem with an online course?

Don't hesitate to contact your instructor or a classmate if you have a question or concern about your online course content.If you are having technical problems with Blackboard, contact your instructor or Blackboard Help for Students.

Which of the following ways can you get help from the Blackboard Help Center?

You can access our help by one of the following ways: You can use our Knowledge Base to search for an answer to your question. Review Blackboard Learn Help for Students. You can call the Help Desk (508-854-4427) and follow the prompts for Blackboard Help.

What should you do when replying to emails quizlet?

What should you do when replying to emails? Reply within one hour. Flag all responses related to your online class as urgent.

What do you do if you are having trouble with your Wake Tech email account?

If you have questions or concerns regarding your Wake Tech email account, visit MS Office 365 Knowledge Base, call the IT Helpdesk at 919-866-7000 for guidance.

What are the problems during online class?

Common Problems that Occur During Online ClassesCommon problems encountered during online classes. As students, we try our best to make use of what we have at home and ensure we don't get left behind. ... Internet Connection. ... Audio Clarity. ... Outdated Device & Software. ... System Glitch. ... Short Attention Span.Sep 18, 2020

How do you send an email on blackboard?

Send an emailFrom the course menu, select Tools > Send Email.On the Select Users or Select Groups page, select the recipients in the Available to Select box and select the right-pointing arrow to move them into the Selected box. ... Type your Subject and Message.More items...

Which characters symbols should be used in your wake Tech password?

Passwords must include at least 8 characters. DO NOT USE the following symbols, $ ! <> & { } * ~ " ' < > + = [ ], or more than 2 consecutive letters from your name.

Why is the student introduction important quizlet?

Why is the introduction important? It sets the stage for the entire project.

What should you always check for before sending an email quizlet?

It is proper netiquette to always have one before sending an email. Contains the body of the message. It is proper to have a Greeting, Message & closing. A few lines of text that appear at the bottom of each message you send, generally consisting of the sender's contact information.

What should you do when checking your email?

Here are her seven tips for checking your emails and minimizing distraction:Don't check your email first thing in the morning. ... Do use the 2-minute rule to skim through your inbox. ... Do check your email when you're away on a business trip. ... Don't check your email when you're overwhelmed and procrastinating.More items...

When writing an email should you create a positive tone?

What should you do to make sure your email has a positive tone? Ask yourself how the message makes you feel. Read it as if you were the recipient. Ask yourself if the words sound positive or negative.