"where should you go for help with blackboard?"

by Prof. Jacynthe O'Reilly DDS 8 min read

In Blackboard, go to Tools > Blackboard Help. Contact Wake Tech's Blackboard helpdesk, 919-866-7000.

Which of the following ways can you get help from the Blackboard Help Center?

You can access our help by one of the following ways: You can use our Knowledge Base to search for an answer to your question. Review Blackboard Learn Help for Students. You can call the Help Desk (508-854-4427) and follow the prompts for Blackboard Help.

Which should you do first when encountering a technical problem with an online course?

Email your instructor immediately if you are unable to complete an exam due to technical difficulties. In your e-mail, include as much information as possible (identify your browser, operating system, Internet Service Provider, time, date, circumstances, etc.).

What is the primary benefit of zipping files Wake Tech?

One advantage to zipping files is for the purpose of storage and organization. If you have a great number of files that you don't plan on using any time soon, you can "zip" all of them into a single archive. This will make them smaller, and it will also organize them in one file that you can easily find and use.

How do students cope up with online classes?

Set a routine to keep you focused and stick with it. Make a weekly schedule the day before the start of the new week and break it up during the week so that you know what to finish regularly. Review materials in small, divided portions; cramming or getting everything done at the last minute never did any good.Feb 10, 2021

How would you solve this problem online learning environment?

How to overcome the challenge? Avoid Distractions – Try to avoid distractions that can affect your learning. There are many platforms that can engage you for entertainment and communication. But make sure that you set time for breaks and focus on learning as scheduled to avoid missing live classes or sessions.Nov 30, 2021

Are zip files needed?

zip file remains, and the contents are extracted in the same directory, or wherever you choose. You typically don't need to keep . zip files once they've been extracted, so delete them to recover the storage space.Feb 18, 2021

How can you access your wake Tech email account?

Check your Wake Tech email account.Students automatically receive free Office 365 email accounts through the College's student portal, my.waketech.edu.To activate your Office 365 email, login to the student portal, my.waketech.edu.Your Wake Tech email address is the default email for your online courses.

When I need help inside blackboard I contact quizlet?

In Blackboard, go to Tools > Blackboard Help. Contact Wake Tech's Blackboard helpdesk, 919-866-7000. Contact your instructor. Call after-hours support, 1-866-471-4252.