where is the control panel for blackboard collaborate

by Ms. Delta Bednar V 9 min read

The Collaborate Panel provides several features that can be used during your session. The panel can be accessed by clicking on the purple arrow button located at the bottom right of the screen. To the right is an example of the panel that will appear.

Using the "button" or link quick keys (B in JAWS or VO + Command + L in VoiceOver) look for the button labeled "Open Collaborate Panel".

Full Answer

How do I use Collaborate Ultra in a Blackboard course?

Navigate the Collaborate panel. Collaborate Panel With a Screen Reader. Using the "button" or link quick keys (B in JAWS or VO + Command + L in VoiceOver) look for the button labeled "Open Collaborate Panel". If the link quick key in VoiceOver doesn't identify this action, try VO + Command + G to go to the next graphic, or VO + Right Arrow to read the next item until you find it.

How do I detach a panel from the collaborate panel?

Sep 07, 2021 · https://sites.reading.ac.uk/tel-support/2018/08/03/blackboard-collaborate-setting-up-collaborate-ultra-on-your-blackboard-course/ Configure the Course Room. Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Collaborate Ultra. The Blackboard Collaborate Ultra screen opens. Click on the … 6. Getting Started in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for Faculty

How do I troubleshoot a Collaborate Ultra session?

Blackboard: Using the Control Panel The Control Panel can be found below the Course Menu when you are a Blackboard in course. Here, you can change settings for the course, adjust the look and feel of the course, access the Grade Center, and communicate with students. Students do not see the Control Panel. Using the Control Panel A.

How do I move between tabs in the collaborate panel?

Sep 07, 2021 · Go to Control Panel > Course Tools > Collaborate Ultra. The Blackboard Collaborate Ultra screen opens. Click on the … 9. Collaborate Ultra – Live Virtual Classroom | Instructional Core. https://instruction.gwu.edu/blackboard-collaborate-ultra-live-virtual-classroom. Optionally, open Session Settings Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Session Settings …


How do I open Blackboard Collaborate panel?

Collaborate Panel The button is one Tab stop after the Open Session Menu button. Spacebar or select Open Collaborate Panel button to open the Collaborate panel.

Where is my settings in Blackboard Collaborate?

Access My Settings From the Collaborate panel, go to the My Settings tab panel. Spacebar or select My Settings tab panel to open.

How do I change settings on Blackboard Collaborate?

Settings you can change during a session If you want to change settings during a session, open the Collaborate panel, select My Settings, and open Session Settings.

Where is the Blackboard Collaborate tab?

You can find Blackboard Collaborate under your course Details & Actions. Next to Blackboard Collaborate, open the More options for Collaborate menu.

How do I change my moderator in Blackboard Collaborate?

From the list of Sessions, find a session. Select Session options and Edit settings. Select Presenter or Moderator in the Guest Role menu.

Which browser is best for Blackboard Collaborate?

For anyone serving in the role of Moderator or Presenter in a Collaborate conference, Blackboard recommends using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. As of now, these are the only browsers that support WebRTC (Real-Time Conferencing) technology and Collaborate's Share Application feature.

How do I change my display name on Blackboard Collaborate?

Blackboard CollaborateLog in to your online account at blackboard.com.Open the menu next to your name in the Page Header > Settings > Personal Information > Edit Personal Information.Make changes to Name.Select Submit.Apr 17, 2020

How do I make a private session on Blackboard Collaborate?

Create a Blackboard Collaborate SessionClick Create Session.Type a name for your session.Decide whether you want to enable Guest access by selecting the checkbox. ... Enter the session Start and End in the Event Details area (open-ended sessions can be created by ticking the 'No end' checkbox)More items...

How do I change my email on blackboard?

Change Your "Preferred" E-mail account in Blackboard Under Tools, click on Personal Information. Click on Edit Personal Information. Change your email address there and click submit.

How do I add a virtual room in Blackboard?

If you are using the Blackboard Collaborate tool, go to Blackboard Collaborate in Course Tools. Use the date restriction options in Add Link to Course to add sessions to your course....Add sessions to your courseFrom the content area select Tools and More Tools.Select Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. ... Select Submit.Aug 2, 2018

How do I add a Collaborate button in Blackboard?

Drop down the list of tools and choose “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.” Check the box to make the button available to students and click “Submit.” This will add the button to the bottom of the list of Navigation buttons. You can use the arrows to the left of the button itself to move the button up or down.

Does Blackboard Collaborate track open tabs?

Blackboard cannot tell if you switch tabs if you have opened it on a normal browser. It can only detect if you are working on a proctored test or using a lockdown browser.Feb 4, 2022

What can the different roles do?

Users can be moderators, presenters, participants, and captioners in the Ultra experience.

Where can I find participants?

Open the Participants panel to view all participants. Open the Collaborate panel and select Participants.

Keep the Participants panel open at all times

You can leave the Participants panel open all the time. Chat with others and see everyone in the session at the same time. You can tell who is away, has their microphone on, or is having network connection trouble. All while chatting and participating in the session.

Participant permissions

Decide who can do what in Session Settings any time before or during a session. Open the Collaborate panel and select My Settings. Select Session Settings.

Promote all participants

You can also have all participants join as presenters or moderators. From the list of Sessions, find a session. Select Session options and Edit settings. Select Presenter or Moderator in the Guest Role menu.

Promote participants

Are you sharing moderator or presenter roles with someone in your presentation? You can promote participants to other roles anytime.

Mute participants

Moderators can mute individual participants or everyone in a session. This includes participants using the Blackboard app or the Blackboard Instructor app.
