when is blackboard inaccessible due to scheduled outages for systems checks

by Genoveva Abbott 4 min read

What is blackboard’s services status page?

May 25, 2021 · When Is Blackboard Inaccessible Due To Scheduled Outages For Systems Checks May 25, 2021 by Admin If you are looking for when is blackboard inaccessible due to scheduled outages for systems checks , simply check out our links below :

What happened to support for Blackboard open education?

Sep 11, 2021 · When Is Blackboard Inaccessible Due To Scheduled Outages For Systems Checks September 11, 2021 by admin If you are looking for when is blackboard inaccessible due to scheduled outages for systems checks , simply check out our links below :

What version of learn SAAS will blackboard be deploying?

There will be a scheduled systems outage between 6:00 am and 10:00 am, Sunday, March 7, 2021. During the outage, the following will be inaccessible: --Blackboard Learn - …

Why am I not receiving push notifications on the blackboard app?

Scheduled - On Saturday, February 12, 2022, Salesforce will be conducting scheduled maintenance that will affect Behind the Blackboard. Planned Start Time: 06:00 UTC (1:00 am EST), Saturday, February 12th

CUNY Refund

Anyone else still waiting for their refund? I was supposed to get it on the 25th. I got mine on time last semester. I emailed the bursar twice and got the same email word for word so emailing them is a no go unless you have an issue that doesn't regard your refund. So for now im chillin ig.

Has anyone applied to an MSW for fall 2021?

I applied to stony brook, NYU, and hunter for a masters in social work and was wondering if anyone has heard yet about being approved/denied?

Taking a Break affect on financial aid

I am considering taking a break from college. I am unsure if this is what I want to do or if college is for me. I am considering dropping out and pursuing a different career path attending trade school. However, since this year has been entirely online I am taking that into consideration before making a haste decision.

given different refund amount

hey all! i was deposited a refund check today, but it is a much lower amount than what i always get. seems like all of my financial aid is up to date and correct so does anybody know why this happened? am i the only one ?