by Dr. Katelyn Larson
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
7 min read
WKU Blackboard is scheduled for an upgrade / migration to the cloud on Friday, June 29, through Monday, July 1, 2019. Blackboard will be unavailable those … 9.
Blackboard updates all changes made every hour, on the hour, starting at 6:00 AM until midnight every day. Changes made between midnight and 6:00 AM will be updated at 6:00 AM. Examples: If a course site is created at 2:35 PM, the changes will be reflected in Blackboard at 3:00 PM.Apr 25, 2014
Information regarding the following error on Blackboard: Access Denied: Resource does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to access this resource.
Adding a Supervisor as Instructor
Instructions for supervisors on being added as an instructors to Blackboard courses.
Adding Blackboard Calendar to iOS Calendar
Instructions for adding external calendar link from Blackboard to an iPhone or an iPad.
Allow Students a Choice of Assignments
Instructions on exempting students from assignments to allow them a choice without affecting overall grade totals.
Available Training for Students
Information regarding Blackboard training for new Blackboard students.
Blackboard Showing Up As Mobile-Friendly View
Information regarding Blackboard displaying as a mobile-friendly view when using Blackboard on a non-mobile browser.
Blank Screen after Previewing Document
Information about what to do when previewing a document in Blackboard in Safari.
What Is Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation?
It is a change in the menu and tools available and organized OUTSIDE of your Blackboard course sites. Instead of digging for courses and tools through the various menus available in our current instance of Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation creates a fixed menu to the left that keeps the most important tools and activities easily accessible. In addition, new features su…
Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation is the next step in ensuring that the student and faculty user experience is consistent across technologies and platforms. Currently, Blackboard navigation is not the most mobile friendly, and as more students and faculty use mobile devices, it is important that the best experience possible is available. Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation has a modern, r…
Courses Page Much like My Courses and My WKU Bb a list of courses is available. However, in Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation there is more flexibility in terms of how courses are organized and how you would prefer the courses to be seen (list versus tiles). Explore the Courses Page
Activity Stream Blackboard notifies users about due dates, grades, submissions, and more information through the activity stream. This is a list of what has occurred in the past, what is happening now, and what is coming up in the future for all your courses in one place. Up-to-the-Minute Activity