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May 12, 2021 · How do I access Blackboard? – Username: 9 Character Sonisweb ID (If you have letters in your ID use Upper Case) – Password: Your Sonisweb PIN. 3. Accessing Blackboard | Goodwin College. https://www.goodwin.edu/files/pdfs/advising/blackboard.pdf. H) there will be a Blackboard portion to the class. 2.
Dec 11, 2021 · https://www.goodwin.edu/online-studies/technical-requirements. How do I access Blackboard? – Username: 9 Character Sonisweb ID (If you have letters in your ID use Upper Case) – Password: Your Sonisweb PIN. 4. Blackboard – LibGuides at Goodwin University – LibGuides. https://goodwin.libguides.com/c.php?g=1011528&p=7327487
Oct 30, 2020 · https://www.goodwin.edu/online-studies/technical-requirements. How do I access Blackboard? – Username: 9 Character Sonisweb ID (If you have letters in your ID use Upper Case) – Password: Your Sonisweb PIN. 4. Blackboard – LibGuides at Goodwin University – LibGuides. https://goodwin.libguides.com/c.php?g=1011528&p=7327487
Goodwin does not use the campus emergency notification system for weather closings.
The Blackboard support line is open Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Please leave a message if we do not pick up.
How do I access Blackboard? 1 Visit the current students page on the Goodwin website 2 Click on the myNavigator button 3 Enter your Username and Password#N#Username: 9 character Sonisweb ID (If you have letters in your ID use upper case)#N#Password: Your Sonisweb PIN 4 Click the "Login" button
Blackboard Support is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Before or after that time, students are encouraged to call and leave a message or email. Any contact after hours will be responded to within 12–24 hours, depending on the situation.