what is "tell me more" in blackboard?

by Prof. Major Konopelski MD 5 min read

What is blackboard and how does it work?

Oct 26, 2021 · Our online classes are taught through Blackboard, the university’s Learning … Through Blackboard, your instructors can post assignments, … Tell Me More.

What is Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

Tell me more about Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Turning in Assignments and Getting Feedback. How do I use the Calendar to see upcoming due dates? How do I view my grades and feedback, including instructor comments, rubrics, in-line comments on my files, SafeAssign Reports, and grades? How to I submit an assignment or upload a file in Blackboard?

How do I view session recordings in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra?

10.1 It’s my first time using TTU-Blackboard’s portal. Could you tell me more about logging in? 10.2 I forgot my Blackboard password; how can I retrieve it? 10.3 The Blackboard TTU account isn’t connecting for me. What should I do? Details About Texas University of …

How do I contact USC for support with blackboard?

Oct 26, 2021 · 32. Questions you can ask . . . Whom would I report to? Can you tell me more about …(something you have learned … 11. Blackboard: 3 Reviews & Ratings, 0 Interviews | AmbitionBox


Where do I find Blackboard Collaborate?

Doesn't seem familiar? Jump to the "Ultra" help about accessing Blackboard Collaborate from your course.

Filter and search for sessions

You can filter the list of sessions that appear by all upcoming sessions, all previous sessions, and sessions in a date range. Use the filter to help you find the session you are looking for.

What is the course room?

Doesn't seem familiar? Jump to the "Ultra" help about the course room.

View session recordings

Recorded sessions are saved as MP4s. Recordings include audio, any content shared or active speaker video, and the captions entered during the live session.

Can I host a session?

If your instructor has given you moderator access to the room, coordinate with your class to host sessions of your own.

ULTRA: Access Blackboard Collaborate from your course

Doesn't seem familiar? Jump to the "Original" help about accessing Blackboard Collaborate.

ULTRA: View session recordings

Recorded sessions are saved as MP4s. Recordings include audio, any content shared or active speaker video, and the captions entered during the live session.
