what is leo, like blackboard

by Madilyn Ondricka 6 min read

Academic Year 2016-2017

Why Would a Theoretical Physicist Study the Auditory Brain? [Podcast] [Audio] [Cam]

Academic Year 1999-2000

Dr. Tom Banks, ITP & Rutgers Univ#N#Branes, Black Holes and Gauge Theories [Audio]#N#Small Seminar Room

Academic Year 1998-1999

Dr. Sankar Das Sarma, ITP & Univ of Maryland#N#Quantum Hall Effects and Related Phenomena: Mostly Related Phenomena [Audio]

What We Believe

Education has the power to transform lives and societies. At Blackboard, we believe learning is a right, not a privilege.

Our Mission

Blackboard’s mission is to advance learning with the world's education community, so that all learners, educators and institutions can realize their goals today and prepare for tomorrow.

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What is About Blank?

You can set the homepage to whatever you like. “About:blank” is one option, specifically because since there’s nothing to display — it’s a blank page, after all — it’s fast.

What is the meaning of "about"?

The word “about:” is a keyword some browsers use as a way to enable some functionality or display standard pages. You can read more about “about:” in this Wikipedia article. About:blank displays a blank page, similar to that shown above. That’s it; about:blank is nothing more and nothing less than a blank page built into your browser.

How to add a new page to a page?

On the resulting page: 1 Click On startup in the left-hand menu to access the startup options. 2 Click on Open a specific page or pages 3 Click on Add a new page 4 Enter “about:blank” as the new page to add 5 Click Add

Is "pound" a hashtag?

1: No, that’s not a hashtag. The pound sign, or hash mark, is used to indicate that what follows is a page element id to jump to. If the id does not exist anywhere on the page — as is the case with about:blank, since it’s blank — it fails silently.

Is about blank a virus?

Again, about:blank is not malware, it is not a virus, it is not malicious. At worst, it’s a symptom of malware. Malware sometimes breaks things, making your browser unable to display a page, in which case it displays about:blank instead. The solution in these cases is to run up-to-date scans for malware.


Academic Year 2020-2021

  • Monday, June 14
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Jean François Joanny, Collège France Membranes and Interfaces: from cells to tissues[Video] Online Meeting Room
  • Monday, June 7
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Monika Aidelsburger, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Simulating Topological Matter with Cold Atoms[Video] Online Meeting Room
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2019-2020

  • Monday, June 1
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Diederik Kruijssen, Heidelberg University The Origins of Globular Clusters across Cosmic Time[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Online Meeting Room
  • Monday, May 18
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Cristina Marchetti, KITP & UCSB Active matter -- why does it matter?[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Online Meeting Room
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2018-2019

  • Monday, Jul 8
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Nathaniel Craig, UCSB & KITP Is Nature Natural? [Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, Jun 17
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Dan Kasen, Berkeley & KITP Light and Gravitational Waves from Merging Stars[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2017-2018

  • Monday, Jul 16
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Sarah Stewart, UC Davis Earth's recovery from the Moon-forming giant impact[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, Jul 2
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Flavio Fenton, Georgia Tech & KITP Oscillations Leading to Chaos; From table top experiments to arrhythmias in the heart[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2016-2017

  • Monday, Jun 6
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Jonathan Simon, Univ. of Maryland Why Would a Theoretical Physicist Study the Auditory Brain?[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, May 22
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Risa Wechsler, Stanford & KITP The Galaxy-Halo Connection[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2015-2016

  • Monday, Jun 6
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Nima Arkani-Hamed, IAS & KITP Future Accelerators and Colliders[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, May 16
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Jonathan Tan, Univ. of Florida & KITP Fire from Ice - The Cold Universe and the Birth of Stars, Galaxies and Black Holes Across Cosmic Time[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2014-2015

  • Monday, June 15
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Alexei Koulakov, Cold Spring Harbor Lab & KITP Deciphering the olfactory code[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, May 11
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch Ignacio Cirac, MPI & KITP Area Laws in Many-Body Systems and Tensor Networks[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2013-2014

  • Monday, June 30
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Eve Ostriker, Princeton Univ. & KITP Star Formation and the Domestic Economies of Galaxies[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, June 23
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Bruce Buffett, UC Berkeley & KITP Planetary Magnetic Fields[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2012-2013

  • Monday, July 22
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Marcela Carena, Fermilab & KITP The Higgs Discovery and Implications for New Physics[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
  • Monday, July 15
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Michael Eracleous, Penn State Univ & KITP How supermassive black holes alter the evolution of their host galaxy[Podcast][Audio][Cam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu

Academic Year 2011-2012

  • Monday, July 2
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Tom Lubensky, Univ. of Penn & KITP Critical States, Self-Stress, Surface Modes, and Conformal Invariance in Isotatic and Undercoordinated Lattices[Podcast][Audio][WebCam] Auditorium
  • Monday, June 25
    12:15 p.m. KITP Blackboard Lunch 1. Paula Apsell, WGBH/NOVA & KITP Science Journalist in Residence Controversy in Science: When Scientists Disagree, What's the Journalist to Do?[Podcast][Audio][WebCam] Auditorium
See more on on.kitp.ucsb.edu