what is blackboard architecture

by Reanna Kertzmann II 6 min read

The blackboard architecture is a flexible and powerful expert system framework. It represents a general approach to problem solving that is useful in many domains of applications especially in the area of intelligent control.

What is blackboard architecture pattern?

Blackboard architectures partition domain knowledge into independent knowledge sources and build up solutions on a global data structure, the blackboard. The blackboard serves the function of the working memory, but its structure is much more complex.

What is a blackboard-system application?

Blackboard Architectural Pattern Blackboard The Blackboard arrchitectural pattern is useful for problems for which no deterministic soluion strategies are known. In Blackboard several specialized subsystems assemble their knowledge to build a possibly partial or approximate solution. Reference page 71{98 in Buschmann F., Meunier R., Rohnert H., Sommerlad

What is the difference between traditional database and blackboard architecture?

Oct 21, 2020 · May 6, 2020 – Blackboard Architecture is an architecture style or pattern used in solving Artificial Intelligence, Mining, Machine learning problems …. 12. (PDF) Using a Blackboard Architecture in a Web Application. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320664168_Using_a_Blackboard_Architecture_in_a_Web_Application.

What are the disadvantages of using Blackboard?

Definition of Blackboard Architecture: An artificial intelligence application based on and analogous to a group of experts seated in a room with a large blackboard working as a team to solve a common problem.


What is black board architecture?

A blackboard system is an artificial intelligence approach based on the blackboard architectural model, where a common knowledge base, the "blackboard", is iteratively updated by a diverse group of specialist knowledge sources, starting with a problem specification and ending with a solution.

What is blackboard architecture in software engineering?

In software engineering, the blackboard pattern is a behavioral design pattern that provides a computational framework for the design and implementation of systems that integrate large and diverse specialized modules, and implement complex, non-deterministic control strategies.

What are the advantages of blackboard architecture?

Advantages of Blackboard Architecture Style Blackboard architecture style provides concurrency which allows knowledge sources to work in parallel. This architecture supports experimentation for hypotheses and reusability of knowledge source components.

What are the three 3 main components of Blackboard pattern?

A blackboard system consists of three components: 1) Knowledge sources (KSs); 2) Blackboard; 3) Control component.

What is repository architecture explain with example?

A repository architecture consists of a central data structure (often a database) and a collection of independent components which operate on the central data structure Examples of repository architectures include blackboard architectures, where a blackboard serves as communication centre for a collection of knowledge ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the repository architecture?

Repository Architecture Style has following advantages − Provides data integrity, backup and restore features. Provides scalability and reusability of agents as they do not have direct communication with each other. Reduces overhead of transient data between software components.

What is Pipe and Filter architecture?

The Pipe and Filter is an architectural pattern for stream processing. It consists of one or more components called ​filters​. These filters will transform or filter data and then pass it on via connectors called ​pipes​. ... Each filter will get input from one or more pipes and pass it via pipes.

What is pipes and filter style *?

What is the Pipe and Filter style? The Pipe and Filter is an architectural design pattern that allows for stream/asynchronous processing. In this pattern, there are many components, which are referred to as filters, and connectors between the filters that are called pipes.

What is a reference architecture model?

Reference architecture or model provides a common vocabulary, reusable designs, and industry best practices that are used as a constraint for more concrete architectures. Typically, reference architecture includes common architecture principles, patterns, building blocks, and standards.

What is architectural design enlist different styles and patterns of architecture?

Examples of architectural patterns are microservices, message bus, service requester/ consumer, MVC, MVVM, microkernel, n-tier, domain-driven design, and presentation-abstraction-control.May 4, 2020

What is data flow architecture in software engineering?

Data Flow Architecture is transformed input data by a series of computational or manipulative components into output data. It is a computer architecture which do not have a program counter and therefore the execution is unpredictable which means behavior is indeterministic.

What is component based approach?

Component based development is an approach to software development that focuses on the design and development of reusable components. You can break your monolith into components: Using a producer/consumer model.Nov 27, 2019