what is a blackboard post?

by Junior Gusikowski 9 min read

Blackboard offers several ways for students and teachers to stay on track throughout their class. Instructors can post announcements on changes to a syllabus, due dates, exam schedules, and more. Notifications may appear on the "Home" page of a student's Blackboard account for their institution or within specific classes.

Full Answer

How to delete your own post on Blackboard?

Sep 24, 2021 · The Blackboard discussion board allows for threaded discussions to take place in your Blackboard course. The board can be split up into Forums, which may be … 11.

How to edit your blackboard post?

Aug 03, 2021 · Blackboard 8: Discussion Board Guide for Instructors – 10. Allow Post Tagging. Tags allow instructors (or Forum managers) to tag a Post with the key topics one …

How to post an assignment to Blackboard?

The same one currently used to access Blackboard or any other Post site. Students can log in from post.edu by clicking the Student Login link in the top right corner of the banner of the webpage. Tile Descriptions. Blackboard Online This is the access point to Blackboard. In Blackboard you can view and participate in your classes, contact your ...

Why to use blackboard?

Oct 21, 2021 · This section offers some tips on system-wide backups and describes the tools in Blackboard Learn for incrementally backing up courses and organizations. 4. Restoring a deleted discussion forum, topic, thread, or post


How do I post to a Discussion Board on Blackboard?

Creating a Discussion ForumOn the main Discussion Board page, on the Action Bar, click Create Forum.On the Create Forum page, type a Name. ... Optionally, type instructions or a description in the Description text box. ... Under Forum Availability, select the Yes option.Select Forum Settings.Click Submit.

What does post mean on blackboard?

When you "post first," you aren't influenced by your classmates' responses. When you open this type of discussion, a message appears: Post a response to see discussion activity. You can't view discussion activity yet.

How do you write a Discussion Board post?

Write great discussion board posts by following these steps:Understand. Carefully read the discussion instructions. ... Read. Complete any required or supplemental reading for the week. ... Write. Write a complete paragraph for each part of your discussion board post instructions. ... Review.

How do you post on Blackboard?

There are two ways to post to a message board: by initiating a new thread as shown previously and by replying to a thread another user has already created. Click the title of the Thread you would like to reply to. Click the Reply button below the message. Type your reply message in the Message box or attach a file.

Can you delete a discussion post on Blackboard as a student?

Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions. ... The deletion message also appears if students delete discussion topics they created.

How do Blackboard announcements work?

On the Course Content page in the Details & Actions panel, select the announcements link to get started. The New Announcement page appears. Type a title and message for the announcement. ... You can also send an email copy to all course members, including yourself.

What are discussion posts?

What is a Discussion Post? In an online class, discussion posts are the main way students and professors interact with the course's ideas and lessons. The best discussion posts demonstrate an understanding of the course material and present a cohesive argument with evidence to back it up.May 27, 2021

What is the difference between writing a paper and a discussion post?

Writing a paper is you simply telling people what you believe or think, giving or stating your position or where you stand on a particular subject matter while writing a discussion post is you sharing your opinion or believes with other people and requesting or seeking for their own opinion or believe back in return.Sep 17, 2021

What do you say in a discussion post?

Explain how someone's post helped you understand the material or made you rethink your own views. Offer an opinion and support it with examples from the text. Relate the information in the post to your course assignments and/or research projects. Challenge a statement in the post.

How does a student submit an assignment on blackboard?

Submit an assignmentOpen the assignment. ... Select Write Submission to expand the area where you can type your submission. ... Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer. ... Optionally, type Comments about your submission.Select Submit.

How do I use Blackboard?

0:258:57How to Use Blackboard: A Student Tutorial - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipClick on login to sign into blackboard. The first page that you're going to see is what's called theMoreClick on login to sign into blackboard. The first page that you're going to see is what's called the Home tab. Two important things in areas I want to point out to you are the my courses module here.

Can I edit a discussion post on Blackboard?

ULTRA: Edit and delete your discussion topics Jump to the "Original" help on editing or deleting a post. On the main Discussions page, open a discussion you created to access the menu. Select Edit to make changes. You can't edit the discussion title after you've created it.

What is a blackboard?

Blackboard is a customizable online learning tool that can replace or supplement traditional face-to-face classes for a school or any other classroom structure. Many conventional classroom functions have equivalents in Blackboard Learn, allowing students and teachers to emulate just about every physical classroom experience element.

What can instructors post in a course?

Instructors can post content, including files, text, images, audio, and video, in their courses. That content can then be organized using learning modules, folders, or lesson plans. To help students navigate their course content, instructors can post a syllabus with descriptions of the course materials, assignments, grading expectations, and more in a section of the course menu or elsewhere within a course.

What is blackboard learning?

Blackboard Learn is compatible with screen readers, and pages are designed to follow a common structure to allow quick navigation.

What is Blackboard Learn?

Blackboard Learn is an application for online teaching, learning, community building, and knowledge sharing. You can use any theory or model for teaching your online course because Blackboard Learn is open, flexible, and centered on student achievement.

What is synchronous interaction?

In a synchronous environment, students and instructors have instantaneous or "real-time" interaction. Course members need to meet at a set time which can be seen as a negative. However, a set time can help students stay on track and manage their time. An example of a synchronous tool is Blackboard Collaborate.

What is collaborative class?

In Collaborate, your class can meet for a lecture. You can hold office hours and study sessions, have impromptu discussions, and host guest speakers. More on Collaborate. In an asynchronous environment, interactions occur over extended periods of time, such as with discussions.
