what formats does blackboard accept

by Ena Schmitt 9 min read

Blackboard: Supported File Types in Blackboard Assignments
  • Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX)
  • Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSM, XLSX)
  • OpenOffice Documents (ODS, ODT, ODP)
  • Digital Images (JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, BMP, TGA, HEIC)
  • Medical Images (DICOM, DICM, DCM)
  • Adobe Acrobat documents (PDF)
Sep 30, 2019

Can you submit a PDF to Blackboard?

When you are ready to submit an Assignment, click Browse My Computer to attach your file, then click Open to attach the file. (PDF). If the file uploaded is not one of the above file types, the instructor will not be able to view/grade the attached file.

Does Blackboard accept DOCX files?

Go to Original Course View page. You can upload file attachments in your course, such as to an assignment. Users select a link to open a file that appears in the course....Recognized attachment file types.ExtensionFile TypePrograms Associated with the File TypeDOC, DOCXTextMicrosoft® Word - word processor33 more rows

What format is Blackboard in?

Blackboard accepts files in HTML, Word, . rtf, PowerPoint, PDF, and Excel. Additionally, many forms of media files are accessible in Blackboard. The file format used should be dictated by what students will be doing with the document.May 22, 2021

Does Blackboard accept MP4?

Supported file types include DOC, DOCX, HTM, HTML, MP4, MPG, PDF, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, TXT, ZIP, and most image types. Upload files. Select the plus sign wherever you want to upload files. In the menu, select Upload to browse for files on your computer.

What files does Blackboard not accept?

Please note that neither Blackboard nor Turnitin assignments support Apple Pages files....PDFExcel (XLS, XLSX)Rich Text (RTF) and Text (TXT) files.Open Office (ODP, ODS, ODT) files.AVI video files.Aug 29, 2018

Does Blackboard accept M4A?

Audio files uploaded to Blackboard should be no larger than 5MB. Acceptable formats are . MP3, . M4A, .Jan 24, 2009

Does Blackboard accept MOV?

Unfortunately, Blackboard is not a streaming server and media files will degrade system performance. Media files include: Audio (mp3, mp4, wav, aiff, flac) Video (wmv, avi, mp4, m4v, mov, mpv, mkv, mpg, mpeg, camrec, vob)May 12, 2017

Does Blackboard support HEIC files?

Digital Images (JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, BMP, TGA, HEIC) Medical Images (DICOM, DICM, DCM) Adobe Acrobat documents (PDF) Photoshop files (PSD)Sep 30, 2019

Can I upload a video to Blackboard?

Click on Add New (upper right) and select Media Upload. Click the Choose a File to Upload button and select the video file from your computer. Click Open. Your video will begin uploading.Sep 18, 2017