what essage does daru find on the blackboard

by Mikayla Walsh II 4 min read

As he returns, he finds a somewhat haunting message on his blackboard reading, “You handed over our brother, you will pay for this” (11). This leaves the reader with the daunting question of what truly did happen to Daru after this point. We can only speculate as to what may have happened to Daru.

When Daru looks back at the blackboard in his classroom, there is a message written on it that says, "Tu as livré notre frère. Tu paieras." (You have turned in our brother, you will pay).

Full Answer

What writing does Daru find on his blackboard at the end?

He comes back to the school and written on the board is "You handed over our brother, you will pay for this." The story end with him in his class room all alone. 2. A school teacher, Daru, is in the middle of a drought so he has no students.

What is drawn on the blackboard in Albert Camus story?

On the blackboard is a drawing of the major rivers of France for a geography lesson that awaits the return of the students after the weather changes for the better. ... Daru has been distributing the grain to his students to sustain them and their families during the hard times caused by the drought.

What decision does Daru choose for The Guest and why?

Daru ended up accepting the Arab, both because the prisoner was delivered to him, and because he had a sense of responsibility to the French government (or society) to at least accept him, if not deliver him to the police in Tinguit (social obligation to not let him go free, justice must be served because if it wasn't, ...

Why does Daru give the prisoner his freedom?

Daru gives the prisoner his freedom, not because he believes the man is innocent or deserves a second chance, but because it allows him to pass off...

How does Daru treat the Arab?

Daru treats the Arab as a guest, almost as a brother since they eat together, sleep together and spend time together. Daru even gives him money, food and an opportunity to escape (McMurray).

What does Balducci order Daru do?

Balducci informs Daru that he is to receive the prisoner (who has killed a cousin of his in a fight over some grain) and deliver him to police headquarters at Tinguit, some fifteen kilometers away.

How does Daru feel about the Arab's crime?

Daru, the schoolmaster, did not treat the Arab like a prisoner. Though he did not trust the Arab, Daru did respect him and treat him well.May 14, 2008

What happens during Daru and the Arab's night together?

During the night, Daru tries to combat the fraternal feeling that is growing within him. He reacts almost violently to the Arab's senseless crime, but the fraternal sentiment is, nevertheless, present.

Who wrote the message on Daru's blackboard?

Camus' "The Guest": The Message on the Blackboard.

Why is the ending of The Guest ironic?

Irony: Balducci was the "bad guy" character in this story. Though he was callous and rude to the Arab prisoner, in the end he will just return to his post and live a normal life. On the other hand, Daru was the only person to treat the Arab kindly, and yet he will most likely die for "handing him over."

Is Daru French in The Guest?

Arrival. “The Guest” is a spare tale of Daru, a French Algerian schoolmaster, who is assigned against his will to deliver an Arab prisoner to the nearest city on the eve of the Algerian uprising. Daru was born in the rural area where the schoolhouse and the attached room in which he lives are located.

In what respect is the title ironic Why does The Guest make a better title than the prisoner?

The short story ``The Guest” is much more appropriate rather than titling the story “The Prisoner” because, the story isn't based on the Prisoner and his choices and decisions, but more towards Daru and the duties he had to fufill as he was the host.

Why does Daru hope that prisoners will escape in The Guest?

This proves that the schoolmaster would rather escape his responsibilities than deal with this dilemma. Daru thinks it would be easier if the Arab would just escape; that way, he could go back to his normal life, alone and free of moral choices.

Who wrote the message on Daru's blackboard?

Camus' "The Guest": The Message on the Blackboard.

What does Balducci give Daru that he puts in the desk?

Upon leaving the schoolhouse, Balducci accuses Daru of insulting him by refusing to oblige. Daru gives his prisoner tea and food.

How does Daru feel about the Arab's crime?

Daru, the schoolmaster, did not treat the Arab like a prisoner. Though he did not trust the Arab, Daru did respect him and treat him well.May 14, 2008

What decision does Daru choose for The Guest and why?

Daru ended up accepting the Arab, both because the prisoner was delivered to him, and because he had a sense of responsibility to the French government (or society) to at least accept him, if not deliver him to the police in Tinguit (social obligation to not let him go free, justice must be served because if it wasn't, ...

Why does Daru give the prisoner freedom?

Daru gives the prisoner his freedom, not because he believes the man is innocent or deserves a second chance, but because it allows him to pass off...

What writing does Daru find on his blackboard at the end?

He comes back to the school and written on the board is "You handed over our brother, you will pay for this." The story end with him in his class room all alone. 2. A school teacher, Daru, is in the middle of a drought so he has no students.

What two routes does Daru point out to the Arab?

What crime has the Arab committed? What two routes does Daru point out to the Arab? A route to the nomads of the south and a route to the village where they would imprison him.

Who wrote on the chalkboard in the guest?

In the beginning of "The Guest" by Albert Camus, the chalkboard in the schoolhouse has the four rivers of France on it. The rivers are still drawn on the board at the end, but there is writing that accompanies the rivers.

What connection does Daru feel with Balducci What responsibilities do they have to each other?

In the beginning of the story, Balducci comes and gives Daru the responsibility to take the Arab in and bring him to jail. Daru took on this responsibility with great respect to his society and the French Government. It was his duty to bring the Arab into justice.May 14, 2008

How did Daru feel about his life in the schoolhouse?

How did Daru feel about his life in the schoolhouse? ... " In this vast landscape he had loved so much, he was alone." How does this make you feel? a bit sad. "listen", the Arab said .

What role does Balducci play in The Guest?

Balducci: Gendarme who takes the Arab from El Ameur to the school where Daru teaches. He assumes that the Arab is guilty of the alleged murder.

How much money does Daru give the prisoner?

He supplies the prisoner with a thousand francs and some food and tells him if he goes east, he can turn himself in to the police in Tinguit. If he goes south, he can hide with the nomads. Daru then goes back to the school, leaving the prisoner to make his decision.

What is the ending of The Guest by Albert Camus?

The story ends with the utter loneliness of Daru, when, upon his return to the school, he reads a message on the blackboard which threatens to punish him for having delivered the Arab to the authorities in Tinguit.

What crime did the Arab commit in The Guest?

Daru shifts the discussion to the prisoner, asking about his crime. Balducci explains that the Arab killed his cousin in some sort of dispute over grain. He had been hidden for a month by his villagers before finally being captured.