what doesthe quote option mean on blackboard

by Khalil Sipes III 5 min read

Allow Users to reply with quote: if you select this option then when a user replies to a previous post they will get the option of using quotation marks to identify the previous posts' text.

How do you quote on blackboard?

Inside the forum, click the title of the thread you want to reply to. Click the Quote button at the bottom of the reply window. A reply window will appear with the original author's material quoted beneath. Type your reply in the space above the quote and then click Submit.May 2, 2018

Can a student delete a discussion post on Blackboard?

Delete discussion topics, responses, and replies Students can delete only their own discussions, responses, and replies. Students can't edit their discussion titles after they create discussions. Open the menu for a response or reply to access the Edit and Delete functions.

How do you post on Blackboard discussion board?

Enter the Module Folder for the week you are in, and click on the Discussion Board title to enter the Discussion Board. Click Create Thread button to start new message. Enter the title of the discussion message in the Subject field. You can format the message by using the icons available in the text editor.

What does it mean to collapse a post on Blackboard?

Using the Discussion Boards Feature in Blackboard Making a forum available or visible to students, means that the students … is hidden, students do not see it when they enter the discussion board​. … List View: This is the collapsed view of the threads, in which you will need to click on.May 23, 2021

Can I edit a discussion post on Blackboard?

You can edit posts in any thread. If a student added inappropriate or inaccurate content, you can edit the post. When you create or edit a forum, you control if students may edit their published posts. Open a forum and select a thread.

Can you delete a reply on Blackboard discussion board?

You can edit or delete your replies if allowed by your instructor. If you post a reply in error and the options to edit or delete don't appear, contact your instructor. Open a thread in a forum. On the thread's page, point to a post to view the available functions.

What is a discussion post?

What is a Discussion Post? In an online class, discussion posts are the main way students and professors interact with the course's ideas and lessons. The best discussion posts demonstrate an understanding of the course material and present a cohesive argument with evidence to back it up.May 27, 2021

How do I reply to a discussion post on Blackboard?

Replying to a Thread and PostEnter a new subject, or leave unchanged.Click the Show More ( ) button if you cannot see all of the tools in the Toolbar Area.Then enter your reply in the message area.Include attachments if allowed and desired.Click Submit.

Where is the discussion board on Blackboard?

Find the discussion board in two places: On the course menu, select Discussions. On the course menu, select Tools and then Discussion Board....Open the Discussion BoardSelect a forum title to view the messages. ... Select a forum to open the thread of posts.More items...

What does mark for removal mean in Blackboard?

Use the Mark For Removal tool to delete drafts before submitting.

Can blackboard teachers see drafts?

7. If you are ready to submit your Assignment for grading, click Submit. Note: If you choose to Save as Draft, your instructor will not be able to see your submission until you Submit the assignment.

How do Blackboard announcements work?

The Announcements tool in Blackboard allows people with the Instructor role to post messages to everyone in the course. The message is displayed in the Announcements tool, and a copy of the message is sent via email to all course members.

How to remove formatting in Word?

To remove the Word formatting after you paste the text in the editor, select all the text and select the Remove Formatting icon. Only use this option if you understand that all formatting will be removed.

What happens when you post first?

When you "post first," you aren't influenced by your classmates' responses. When you open this type of discussion, a message appears: Post a response to see discussion activity. You can't view discussion activity yet. Responses and replies appear when you post a response.

How to copy and paste on Mac?

You can also use key combinations to copy and paste: Windows: Ctrl + A to select all the text, Ctrl + C to copy, and Ctrl + V to paste. Mac: Command + A to select all the text, Command + C to copy, and Command + V to paste.

Can you add text to a course?

While you add text to your course, you can protect against loss of work if an internet connection loss or software error occurs. You can type in an offline simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, and then copy and paste your work into your course.

Can you paste text into text editor?

Or, before you add your text in the editor, you can paste it into an offline simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, and clear the formatting. Then, you can paste the text into the editor and format it as you want. More on the working in the editor.

What is the default role in a discussion board?

Discussion Board Forums include roles for each user involved in the Forum; the default role is Participant. These roles define privileges within the Forum. The Forum roles with administrative privileges that can be assigned to users in a Forum are

What is discussion board statistics?

Discussion Board statistics are a part of the Performance Dashboard, accessed via the Control Panel. The dashboard displays the total number of Forums in which the user has participated.

What is grade feature?

The grade feature creates a list of all users and their number of Posts. Clicking Grade next to a student’s name will produce a page of his/her Collected Posts and a place to enter a grade.

How many stars can you give a post on a forum?

Users can rate Posts in the Forum on a scale of one to five stars as a form of peer review. Peer rating can be used to pedagogical advantage, perhaps as part of the grade you give.

How to read a post in a post?

To read a Post, click the underlined message title, or click Previous Post/Next Post in the right corner of a Post.To make a response, click Reply or click Quote. The latter will place the Parent Post into the body of your response. Type your reply, then click

What is moderation in the world wide web?

A feature often seen in cyberspace, moderation refers to the screening of Posts before they are viewable by the rest of the users. Forums on the World Wide Web are often moderated to prevent cranky users from Posting inappropriate messages (e.g., with foul language, etc.)

Why is flagging useful?

Flagging is useful for finding Threads or Posts at a later time, perhaps to help you remember where someone wrote of a useful resource, or to remind you to Reply later.


Reply to A Discussion

  • In a course, select the Discussions icon on the navigation bar to access the discussions page. Select a discussion to join in. Some discussions may also appear on the Course Contentpage. When someone contributes to a discussion, an icon appears next to the item's title on the Course Contentpage. Each time you open a discussion, new responses and re...
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Find A Participant

  • You don't have to sift through all of the course discussions to find the one you need. You can filter by participant nameand see a list of contributions. You may see a user in the Participants list with your instructor's last name appended with _PreviewUser. Your instructor has added a preview user to review the course content from a student's perspective.
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Group Discussions

  • Your instructor may assign you to a group to help focus the discussion. The first time you're assigned to a group discussion, a message appears on the Course Content page to let you know. On the Course Content and Discussionspages, your group name is listed after the group discussion title. The name of your group appears when you open the discussion, along with the l…
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Save A Post as A Draft

  • If you're not quite ready to post, you can save your response or reply as a draft. Select Save Draft after you've typed content. Your draft shows in the discussion panel but is only visible to you. After your draft is saved, select Edit Draftto continue working. Your draft also appears in the participants menu.
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Why Can't I See My Discussion Post?

  • Check if you accidentally saved your contribution as a draft. Return to the forum page, access the Display menu, and select Drafts Only. Select Searchat the top of the main discussion board, forum, or thread page and search for a term you used in your message.
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Can I Prevent The Loss of text?

  • While you add text to your course, you can protect against loss of work if an internet connection loss or software error occurs. You can type in an offline simple text editor, such as Notepad or TextEdit, and then copy and paste your work into your course. Or, before you submit or save, you can copy all of the text you want to add. Select the text and right-click to copy it. You can also us…
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Can I Paste Text from Microsoft® Word?

  • You'll have the best results if you type your text directly in the editor and format it with the available options. You may see issues when you copy and paste text from a Word document directly into the editor. Your original formatting may not appear as you want. You also may not be able to remove or add formatting after you paste the text into the editor. To avoid the formattin…
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