what does the allusion watching that blackboard mean

by Duane Metz 8 min read

Watching the blackboard. A blackboard in office fronts where employers would post available jobs. Work cards.

watchin' that blackboard: During this era, employment agencies would post available jobs on a blackboard in front of their offices. Prospective employees would wait in front of the offices, watching the blackboard for any new jobs. Weed: A mining town in Northern California, near Mt. Shasta.

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What is the meaning of allusion?

Sep 08, 2021 · Read the following line from the novel and explain the allusion, “watchin ‘ that blackboard. … Lennie’s handicap is the reason some of the men are mean to. 8.

What is pop culture allusion?

Oct 18, 2021 · Prospective employees would wait in front of the offices, watching the blackboard for any new jobs. 4. Of Mice and Men Ch. 1-6: Allusions and Idioms – Quizlet

How do you pinpoint the allusion in the text?

Apr 23, 2015 · Explain the alussion, 'watchin' that blackboard." from the sentence "You remember settin' in that gutter on Howard street and watchin' that blackboard?" Chapter 1, Page 5. Asked by Angela G #438632 on 4/23/2015 11:45 PM Last updated by …

What does Big Brother Is Watching you mean in literature?

Oct 22, 2021 · Prospective employees would watch the blackboard for any new jobs. work cards a job assignment from an employment agency would be written on a work card to … 5. You Remember Settin’ In That Gutter On Howard Street And …

What is the allusion in Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men?

Chapter 3 ~ Allusions (cont'd.) run up the river: During the salmon mating season, thousands of the fish will swim upstream, struggling against the current, spawn (lay their eggs), and then die. During a salmon run, the fish are easy to catch.

What information about Lennie's character is revealed to the reader through George's discovery of the dead mouse in Lennie's pocket?

What information about Lennie's character is revealed to the reader through George's discovery of the dead mouse in Lennie's pocket? Lennie is known to kill mice on accident because he does not know his own strength when he is petting them. Describe George's plan for getting the job at the ranch.

What does Steinbeck spend the first pages of this chapter describing?

At the beginning of this chapter Steinbeck spends a great deal of time describing Crooks' living quarters.

When Lennie and George sit down by the river to rest What do they talk about what can we learn about Lennie from their conversation What can we learn about George?

What can we learn about Lennie from this plan? Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket, he wants to keep it because he likes feeling its fur. George's plan is to let him do the talking, and he tells Lennie not to say anything. CH1: As George and Lennie are waiting to go the camp.

Why does Lennie carry a dead mouse and grab the girl's dress?

Why does Lennie have a dead mouse in his pocket? As the story begins, Lennie has a dead mouse in his pocket because he likes to pet soft things but doesn't know his own strength and accidentally killed the mouse when he pet it too hard.

What is Curley compared to when Lennie grabs his fist?

George yelled again, "I said get him." Curley's fist was swinging when Lennie reached for it. The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie's big hand.

Why is Curley's wife nameless?

Curley's wife is never named in the novel, which reflects how she is not valued as a person. Her character demonstrates the negative attitude towards women that may have been held by men such as the ranchworkers at the time.

Is Lennie autistic?

The character of Lennie has learning difficulties and also—as identified by some researchers—exhibits many characteristics of autism.Jan 31, 2020

What is wrong with Curley's wife?

Curley's wife's obsession with herself ultimately leads to her death. She's half-afraid of Lennie, but she also wants his attention and praise. It's not a coincidence that that she ends up dying because she didn't want Lennie to mess up her hair: look, and even touch if you want—but don't get too comfortable.

How do Curley and Carlson assume that Lennie met his death?

How do Curley and Carlson assume that Lennie met his death? Curley and Carlson believe that Lennie had stolen Carlson's gun and that George had taken it away from him and shot him. 4. Why did George lie to the others about what really happened?

Why is Carlson confused at the end of the novel?

Carlson is confused because he doesn't understand true friendship. This relates to the theme of male friendship as not many guys travel together and many are alone.

How is Lennie a child?

What things does Lennie say and do that make him seem like a child? ... Lennie is like a child in that he constantly talks with slightly bad grammar, and he exaggerates. He is either super happy or pouting. He behaves like a five or six-year-old.

Definition of allusion

Allusion and Illusion What is the word origin of allusion? More Example Sentences Learn More About allusion

Allusion and Illusion

Allusion and illusion may share some portion of their ancestry (both words come in part from the Latin word ludere, meaning “to play”), and sound quite similar, but they are distinct words with very different meanings. An allusion is an indirect reference, whereas an illusion is something that is unreal or incorrect.

What is the word origin of allusion?

Allusion was borrowed into English in the middle of the 16th century. It derives from the Latin verb alludere, meaning "to refer to, to play with, or to jest," as does its cousin allude, meaning "to make indirect reference" or "to refer." Alludere, in turn, derives from a combination of the prefix ad- and ludere ("to play").

Examples of allusion in a Sentence

There are lots of literary echoes and allusions in the novel, but they don't do anything for the tired texture of the prose. — Tony Tanner, New York Times Book Review, 6 Apr.

Kids Definition of allusion

What made you want to look up allusion? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

What does "Big Brother" mean?

Meaning of Big Brother is Watching You . The phrase refers to the government’s surveillance of the people with listening devices and cameras, in a totalitarian society, where Big Brother is the head of the totalitarian regime.

What does Big Brother symbolize?

Big Brother symbolizes dictatorial power gazing into people’s lives. Posters with this phrase warn the people that the government wants complete obedience and devotion to the laws and rules.