what does communicationexception mean on blackboard

by Sibyl Moen 6 min read

How does blackboard detect if a computer is being used by students?

Jun 05, 2012 · I has a problem with WCF. The first application I wrote the example from the site this. It worked good. I need to make an application to transfer objects from the server list from the database. But

Can blackboard access my webcam during an exam?

Nov 02, 2020 · Tell Me. See this table for a full list of updated icons in Blackboard. Click to enlarge or save the PDF.

What is a a role in Blackboard?

Sep 27, 2021 · 2. When the deadline rule is set to 'more than 1' then it does not catch all those who have not submitted. This doesn't seem to match the behavior given results of point 1 above. The rule 'more than 1' does not identify Students who have not submitted at all, even though the due date has passed. 0050777

Why do I get communicationexception when I get a client list?

Feb 04, 2022 · Blackboard can detect cheating by using SafeAssign to scan plagiarism and cheated content. Blackboard also detects cheaters by us Proctoring software and Lockdown browsers that monitor video, audio, and IP address to prevent cheats. This makes Blackboard an effective platform for learning and testing students.


Can professors see all submissions on blackboard?

On the Upload Assignment page, students can see all of the Assignment … You do not have to grade previous attempts to allow a student to submit again.Feb 3, 2021

How do students delete old grades on Blackboard?

Delete a courseOn the Administrator Panel in the Courses section, select Courses.Search for a course.Select the check box for each course to delete.Select Delete.Select OK.

How do I view previous grades on Blackboard?

Log into Blackboard and go to My Courses.If the course code still appears in your list, then you can download your past assessment or assignment from the My Interim Results tab.If it is not in your list, contact the Course Coordinator to check if they have a copy filed.

Can you leave a class on Blackboard?

When you are finished with a course and no longer wish to view it in your course list, you can remove it from the Courses section on the Institution page in Blackboard.

How do I delete course content on blackboard?

Blackboard (Faculty) - Course Content: Remove Course FilesNavigate to your course content collection.Place a check mark next to the file you want to permanently remove from the course and click the Delete at the bottom of the screen.More items...•Jan 14, 2019

How do I see hidden grades on Blackboard student?

Go to the Full Grade Center in your Blackboard course; Click the Manage tab; Choose Row Visibility from the drop-down list; Locate the hidden name on the list of …May 27, 2021

What grade is a 70?

High School Credit Course Grading ScaleNumerical GradeLetter GradeAdvanced Placement77-79C+3.373-76C370-72C-1.767-69D+1.36 more rows

What is a 76% grade?

CPercentLetter Grade80 - 82B-77 - 79C+73 - 76C70 - 72C-8 more rows

How to see your grade in a submission?

In the Submission panel, you can see which attempts have grades and feedback. Select the attempt you want to view. Your submission opens, and you can view your grade and how it was calculated. You can review your work and expand the Feedback panel if your instructor left comments.

What is an overall grade?

Overall grade. The overall grade helps you keep track of how you're doing in each of your courses. You can see if you're on track for the grade you want or if you need to improve. If your instructor has set up the overall grade, it appears on your global Grades page and inside your course on your Course Grades page.

Can you leave a recording on your assessment?

Your instructor can leave a video or audio recording for additional feedback on your assessment grade. Recordings appear in the Feedback panel when your instructor assigns a grade for each submission.

Can you see zeros on a work you haven't submitted?

If set up by your instructor, you may see zeros for work you haven't submitted after the due date passes. You can still submit attempts to update your grade. Your instructor determines grade penalties for late work.

Why is overall grade important?

The overall grade helps you keep track of how you're doing in each of your courses. You can see if you're on track for the grade you want or if you need to improve.

What is Blackboard Learn?

Blackboard Learn includes numerous administrator privileges that can be applied to different roles depending on your institution's needs. For your convenience, Blackboard has developed a comprehensive Administrator Privilege Descriptions spreadsheet that organizes these privileges and provides descriptions for them.

What are the roles in Blackboard?

Roles determine what a user can and can't do within Blackboard Learn. Administrators use roles to group privileges into sets that can be assigned to user accounts. Every user associated with a role has all of the privileges included in the role.

What is a role assigned to a user account?

When a user account is assigned multiple roles, the user receives all of the privileges included in all of the roles. As an example, consider this scenario. A role is assigned to a user account that doesn't include access to the course Control Panel. However, the user is also assigned a role that does include access to the Control Panel.

What is a course role?

Course and organization roles control access to the content and tools within a course or organization. Each user is assigned a role for each course or organization in which they participate. For example, a user with a role of Teaching Assistant in one course can have a role of Student in another course. Instructors can use these roles to delegate some of the responsibility for maintaining the course.

Can you build a course role from scratch?

You can build system and institution roles from scratch if you’d like to start without any existing privileges, but there’s no way to build a course role from scratch. You can modify or remove all of the associated privileges from a copied course role if you want to build a course role this way.

Can administrators edit default roles?

Administrators can edit these default roles. There are some default course and institution roles with the same name, such as Student and Guest. A Student institution role is not the same thing as a Student course role.

Why is the webcam important for Blackboard?

Therefore, the webcam is an important tool used by Blackboard to prevent cheating during online tests or exams.

Why is it called cheating if you take the same exam on the same computer?

If another student takes their test using the same computer without seeking authorization from the instructors, this qualifies as cheating because the same exam can be submitted by both students.

Why can't I copy and paste on Respondus Lockdown Bowser?

Therefore, the bowser locks you to its interface and therefore you cannot copy and paste anything because it is a function that is disabled by the browser. If you copy and paste any material, the Respondus LockDown Bowser will detect it and block the function before you can use it.

What is Respondus monitor?

Respondus is a special LockDown browser that can prevent candidates from taking screenshots, copy-pasting, and/or opening other applications or websites while they are partaking an online test using Blackboard.

Can Blackboard detect IP address?

If proctored, Blackboard can detect the IP address of a candidate’s computer. It achieves this by accessing the computer’s web activities and public IP addresses. However, the normal access to your Blackboard account may not be monitored by IP-sensitive systems.

Can Blackboard access your webcam?

Without proctoring software, Blackboard cannot access your webcam when you are accessing the normal assignments, submitting homework, or taking normal tests. However, when you are taking a proctored exam, Blackboard can access the webcam of your computer through the proctoring software.

Does Respondus Bowser work on Blackboard?

Well, the Respondus LockDown Bowser protects Blackboard’s exam questions by blocking the copy-and-paste function within the browser. Can Blackboard tell when you copy and paste. As you have noted, you can only access the Blackboard’s online exams through the Respondus Bowser.

Outreach vs Emergency

The first choice to make is whether to use an Outreach message or an Emergency message.


When selecting the contacts to send the message to (use the "To..." button), you can use the "groups" feature to limit the list to certain subgroups. If no groups are selected, all users will appear in the list. The main subgroups that will be used are those that begin with "non-emergency".

Contact modes

Once your contacts have been selected, you then have the option to send the message multiple ways. You can send phone calls, text messages, and/or emails. Click the corresponding tab for each communication method to enter the message you want to send. You will need to customize each message to fit the distribution method.
