what are attachments in blackboard learn

by Mrs. Joanny Upton 4 min read

File Attachments You can add file attachments to different areas in yourcourse, such as to a content item, an assignment, or a discussion board post. Users open a file by clicking a link to the file that appears in the course.

You can attach files to other course content, such as documents, assignments, and tests. You can also insert files with the editor so students and other course members see the file alongside other content you add. Use the editor to insert files in discussions or messages.

Full Answer

How do you upload an attachment to Blackboard?

To add an attachment, select the "Attach a File" link. Select the "Browse" button and locate the file you want to attach. Select the file and click the "Open" button. You can now see that your file is attached.

What types of files can be uploaded to Blackboard?

Blackboard: Supported File Types in Blackboard AssignmentsMicrosoft Word (DOC, DOCX)Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX)Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSM, XLSX)OpenOffice Documents (ODS, ODT, ODP)Digital Images (JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, BMP, TGA, HEIC)Medical Images (DICOM, DICM, DCM)Adobe Acrobat documents (PDF)More items...•Sep 30, 2019

How do I open an attachment in Blackboard?

In order to open a file that has been uploaded to Blackboard by your instructor, just click on the the file name. This will cause the web browser to ask whether you want to open the file, save the file, or save the file as something. You may select any of these options.Jun 3, 2019

Can you delete an attachment on blackboard?

Remove an attachment Edit the record and find the attachment. Select Remove. Select Yes and Save.

What files does Blackboard not accept?

Please note that neither Blackboard nor Turnitin assignments support Apple Pages files....PDFExcel (XLS, XLSX)Rich Text (RTF) and Text (TXT) files.Open Office (ODP, ODS, ODT) files.AVI video files.Aug 29, 2018

Can you upload PDF to Blackboard?

Click on the Name of the Assignment. ... When you are ready to submit an Assignment, click Browse My Computer to attach your file, then click Open to attach the file. NOTE: Supported documents are Word (DOC, DOCX), PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX), Excel (XLS, XLSX), and PDF. (PDF).

How do I attach a course message in Blackboard?

Composing and Sending a MessageClick the To button to access the course participant list.Select the recipients and then click the arrow to add them to the message.Add a subject to your message.Type your message.Click Attach a File to browse for files from your computer. ... Click submit to send your message.

How do you attach multiple documents to Blackboard?

Click on the file within the folder on your local computer and drag it into the Attach Files area where you want to upload the item. You may drag-and-drop upload multiple files to a content area or assignment. You can also select a folder of files (not an archive/zip) and drag it to upload.Jul 7, 2017

How do students submit to Blackboard?

Submit an assignmentOpen the assignment. ... Select Write Submission to expand the area where you can type your submission. ... Select Browse My Computer to upload a file from your computer. ... Optionally, type Comments about your submission.Select Submit.

How do I ignore an attempt on blackboard?

Click the circular drop-down button to the right of the score/yellow exclamation icon. Choose View Grade Details from the drop-down menu. Click the Ignore Attempt button.Jul 1, 2020

Can you delete a submission on Blackboard as a student?

Once a file has been successfully submitted to an assignments, you can't delete it. However, if you have the ability to make another submission, re-submit the file …Nov 2, 2020