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Blackboard has reported a widespread issue with the Crocodoc tool. This is the tool that runs the inline grading, so the issue can cause problems in the submission and grading of assignments, blogs and journals. We have a ticket open with Blackboard and will update you when the issue is resolved.
Blackboard reports that the Crocodoc issue has been resolved and all services should be functioning properly. If you have any continued issues, please contact the Teaching & Learning Commons at 304-367-4810 or [email protected].
Ultra Base Navigation (UBN) is the name given to the new design and navigation within Blackboard, before you enter a module or organization. Module and Organization menus, tools and content are unaffected by this update.
The update is primarily a change to the way you navigate the Blackboard system outside of your courses, so apart from utilizing the new functionality introduced in the navigation sidebar, your courses will continue to function in a way similar to prior terms.
The move to UBN is currently planned to take place on Monday, August 2nd at 7:00pm. Blackboard may be unavailable during this time.
This short video gives an overview for faculty of Ultra Base Navigation.
When you choose to be a Fighting Falcon, you immediately become part of the family. From day one you will find a network of staff and faculty dedicated to helping you meet your goals. You’ll make lifelong friends. When it’s time to walk across the stage during Commencement, you’ll be ready for whatever the future holds. Take the next step!
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