west virginia northern community college blackboard

by Domenica Haag 4 min read

Academic Support Center

All three West Virginia Northern Community College campuses provide holistic student support. An Academic Support Center (ASC) located on each campus is staffed by full-time professionals and part-time paraprofessionals who provide a wide variety of academic and personal skill development opportunities.

Academic Alert Program

The Academic Alert System is a proactive communication tool that allows instructors to voluntarily alert students regarding their progress. Alerts can be issued to redirect or reaffirm student learning.

Accessibility & ADA Accommodation

West Virginia Northern Community College is committed to assuring that students with disabilities are afforded the same opportunities and the same responsibilities as all other students.

What is the mission of West Virginia Northern Community College?

The West Virginia Northern Community College mission is to provide higher education thatempowers individuals to achieve academic and career goals leading to a competent workforce , whichexcels in a global economy. WVNCC programming and services align with mission statement. Thevisiting visit team identified evidence of current and relevant programs and certificates in theWVNCC catalog, website, in conversations with faculty and staff in all meetings, and in WVNCCcomprehensive services to assist students with their academic journey. The team reviewed severaldocuments relative to curriculum management, assessment, and advising. The assessment processeshave improved markedly since the last comprehensive visit. The WEAVE system provides acomprehensive method to assess faculty and staff credentials along with the opportunity to align withHLC guidelines and criterion.

What is the WVNCC governing board?

The WVNCC local governing board was established in July 2001 by the Higher Education Act of theState Legislature. The Board of Governors (BOG) has the primary responsibility to determine,control, supervise, and manage the educational, financial, and business policies and affairs of theinstitution. These responsibilities are defined in the BOG bylaws. These bylaws are in accordancewith standard institution governing procedures.

What is the mission of WVNCC?

WVNCC has a clear mission that is publicly articulated and guides college operations. Communitymember s expressed a clear understanding of the mission of the college. WVNCC has developed acomprehensive set of metrics to gauge its progress in accomplishing its strategic plan goals, alignedits strategic plan to the state of West Virginia goals for state community colleges, and maintainspartnerships with education providers, businesses, and the communities which the college serves.The college serves a slightly more ethnically diverse population than its surrounding community andhas developed metrics to inform its progress in attracting a diverse student body. The collegecommitment to downtown redevelopment is one clear example of a commitment to the public good.The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.

What is a WVNCC?

West Virginia Northern Community College (WVNCC) is authorized by the West Virginia Councilfor Community and Technical College Education and Higher Education Policy Commission to offerprograms that award an Associate in Arts degrees (A.A.), Associate in Science degrees (A.S.),Associate in Applied Science degrees (A.A.S.) and Certificate in Applied Science (C.A.S.). It wasclear from meetings with faculty, the Curriculum committee, Criterion 3 and 4 group, and theAssessment committee that faculty have oversight responsibility of curriculum, and therefore, ascredentialed experts in their areas, provide courses and programs that are current. The visiting teamreviewed A.A.S. degrees in Welding, Criminal Justice, Cyber-security, Nursing, and Radiology,along with CIT and Patient Care Technician certificates. Program and certificate listings on thecollege website appear to be current and appropriate. The evidence revealed all program andcertificates provided clear and appropriate program descriptions, learning outcomes, and employmentinformation. The listing of Accreditation agencies appeared appropriate and health career areasprovided pass rates and selected admission requirements. The curriculum processes were verycomprehensive such that the approval process may take approximately two years for full approval ofcurriculum. However, the team recognized the importance of curriculum process alignment withindustry responsiveness. The institution might consider streamlining processes to ensureimplementation of new and modified curriculum in a timely manner.

What is the responsibility of West Virginia Community and Technical College?

The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learningenvironments, and support services through the West Virginia Community & Technical College statemandated procedural rules that require program reviews , assessment of prior learning , a CurriculumCommittee that monitors the quality of programs, and Academic Support Centers to assist students. The institution has clearly defined student learning outcomes for its courses, programs, andinstitutional general education, along with an evolving process of assessment to ensure effectivestudent learning and promote continuous improvement.

What is the year 10 review?

The Year 10 Review in the Open and Standard PathwaysThe Review for Initial Candidacy for Applying institutionsThe Review for Initial Accreditation for Applying institutions The Year 4 Review for Standard Pathway institutions that are in their first accreditation cycle after attaininginitial accreditation

How does WVNCC demonstrate financial integrity?

WVNCC demonstrates financial integrity by making public the results of its annual external audit.The results of the prior audits for financial years ending in 2016 and 2017 demonstrate the institutionis fiscally sound in a period of declining enrollments. The auditors gave the institution an unqualifiedopinion for both years. The institution has substantial reserves. The institution has engagedconstituents in discussion to develop mini-grants to spend some reserves to enhance various aspectsof the institution. Since the last visit by the Commission, the institution strengthened the role of thebudget committee to assist the CFO in making budgetary decisions. All departments are given budgetbooks and are asked to review budget reconciliations.
