wcu my blackboard

by Marlon Brakus 8 min read

Who has access to mywcu?

Forgot password? Need Assistance? Contact IT Help Desk (828) 227-7487 Contact Technology Commons Ground Floor of Hunter Library. As a reminder, IT will never ask you to confirm account information, such as username and password, through email.

What is my wcuid and password to log in?

Canvas Login Issues. Please visit: ithelp.wcu.edu to check for any reported issues, or to submit a ticket if your issue is not listed. Assistance Needed. Call 828.227.7487 or Toll-free 866.928.7487 (Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 6:30pm) or visit the Technology Commons, located on …

When will I receive information on claiming my wcuid?

WCU IT Help Desk 828.227.7487 ALL first-level support for the LMS is available from 7:30 a.m to 6:30 p.m. by calling 828.227.7487 or contacting the: WCU IT HELP DESK

What is a wcuid?

24/7 Support Phone. 24/7 Support Live Chat. Student Portal. Email. Password Reset. Online Registration. WCU Career Navigator.


When will Blackboard automatically migrate?

Spring 2021 and all 2020 courses will be automatically migrated as long as there is an active instructor and course content within Blackboard. Instructors will receive an email if their course is identified as one that will not be automatically migrated; they will have an opportunity to request migration, if needed.

Can you migrate groups in Blackboard?

Groups in Blackboard do not migrate well and are best recreated (Groups will be moved to the People, enrollments and settings will not be included.) It is recommend creating course Groups from scratch in Canvas.  Weighted Grade columns in Blackboard will not import to Canvas.

Can you import Blackboard Gradebook columns to Canvas?

To weight final course grades, Assignment Groups can be used in Canvas. Manually created Gradebook columns in Blackboard will not import to Canvas. It is recommend to create a new “manual” Grade columns using Assignments with no submission in Canvas. Student Submissions in Blackboard will not migrate to Canvas.
