wakefield blackboard

by Adaline Durgan 7 min read

Where is Wakefield Middle School located?

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When will my course(s) show up in Blackboard?

Oct 22, 2016 · Dr. Christian Willmore, Principal 1325 S. Dinwiddie Street Arlington, VA 22206 703-228-6700 Fax: 703-228-6760

What happened at Pizza Express on Albion Street in Wakefield?

© 2022 Wake Technical Community College | 9101 Fayetteville Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 | Main Tel: 919-866-5000

Is Wakefield still relevant in the autism world?

Wakefield High School. Dr. Christian Willmore, Principal 1325 S. Dinwiddie Street Arlington, VA 22206 703-228-6700 Fax: 703-228-6760. Questions or …


Wakefield Action Media (WAM) February 23, 2022

Good Morning, Warriors!It is WAM Wednesday. Watch it now: https://youtu.be/NMCwpDS-1lY

2022 Scholastic Art Winners

See all 2022 Scholastic Art Winners The results for the Regional Scholastic Art Awards are in and our very own Wakefield Art students claim a whopping 247 individual Awards! We also picked up 16/16 Portfolio awards! Portfolios are a thematic body of 6 works that is a visual culmination of 4 years of Art […]

When did Wakefield and Wakefield publish their research?

In 1998 , Wakefield and a group of colleagues published a research study which linked inflammatory bowel symptoms in 12 autistic children to the Mumps-Measles-Rubella vaccine. That study, published in the famous British medical journal The Lancet, launched a massive anti-vaccine movement in the UK, the United States, and around the world.

When did Wakefield become autistic?

In 1995 , Wakefield was approached by a group of parents who told him that their children had become autistic following the MMR vaccine. They asked him to look into a possible connection, and he was willing to do so.

Did Wakefield's research paper get revoked?

Despite the fact that his influential research paper on the subject has been revoked by the British medical journal The Lancet, Wakefield and his theories remain a potent force in the autism world. Martinns / Getty Images.

Who is Ashley Hall?

Ashley Hall is a writer and fact checker who has been published in multiple medical journals in the field of surgery. Andrew Wakefield is among the most controversial figures in the autism world.

Who investigated Wakefield's findings?

Several years ago, reporter Brian Deer of the London Sunday Times began investigating Wakefield and found evidence of conflicts of interest and instances of ethical misconduct. 2  Soon after Deer reported on his findings, ten of Wakefield's 13 co-authors renounced the study's conclusions.

Is Wakefield's research done in Florida?

Millions of dollars have been raised to warn parents of the possibility that autism could be caused by vaccines, and to build up a "green vaccine" movement in the US and UK. Wakefield, who presently practices in both Florida and Texas, stands by his work and insists that his research was properly conducted.
