wake tech help desk blackboard

by Dr. Merritt Barrows IV 4 min read


Which should you do first when encountering a technical problem with an online course Wake Tech?

Email your instructor immediately if you are unable to complete an exam due to technical difficulties. In your e-mail, include as much information as possible (identify your browser, operating system, Internet Service Provider, time, date, circumstances, etc.).

How do I contact Wake Tech?

Contact UsSouthern Wake CampusScott Northern Wake CampusPhone: 919-866-5700919-866-5700Fax: 919-662-3564919-954-2186Email: [email protected]@waketech.edu4 more rows

What do you do if you are having trouble with your Wake Tech email account?

If you have questions or concerns regarding your Wake Tech email account, visit MS Office 365 Knowledge Base, call the IT Helpdesk at 919-866-7000 for guidance.

How much do Wake Tech professors make?

At Wake Tech, the starting salary for an instructor with a Ph. D. is about $42,000. The average salary is $46,000.Feb 7, 2014

Are Wake Tech libraries open?

Wake Tech Libraries are OPEN. To make a curbside or reference appointment, select your library below. To reserve study rooms, visit our Library Spaces Reservation site (link opens in new window).Jul 1, 2021

What is my wake Tech ID number?

Your Wake Tech ID is a 7-digit number given to all students. Your Key Account Login is your first initial, middle initial, and last name (example: John A. Doe = jadoe). To retrieve your Wake Tech ID and Key Account Login, go to my.waketech.edu.Jan 21, 2020

How can you access your wake Tech email account?

Check your Wake Tech email account.Students automatically receive free Office 365 email accounts through the College's student portal, my.waketech.edu.To activate your Office 365 email, login to the student portal, my.waketech.edu.Your Wake Tech email address is the default email for your online courses.

How do I access my wake Tech email?

Click on the Login button, and then click Student Email. On the My Wake Tech home page (my.waketech.edu), log in with your Key Account, and on the left-hand side under Student Online Services, click the icon Office 365. You can also look under Student Resources, and click Office 365 Email.Aug 30, 2012

What elements or characters can be found in your wake Tech email?

Uppercase letters, A through Z. Lowercase letters, a through z. Numbers, 0 through 9. Acceptable symbols, @ # % ; : -

How much does the president of Wake Tech make?

Scott Ralls, the former president of the state's community college system, was named the next president of Wake Tech on Tuesday. Ralls, currently the president of Northern Virginia Community College, will assume the job May 1 at an annual salary of $345,000.Dec 18, 2018