video assignment on blackboard university of tampa

by Mrs. Sydnie Runte 7 min read

What is blackboard and how do I use it?

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What is an assignments in Blackboard?

Blackboard is an online learning management system used to manage coursework collaboration between faculty and students. It can be accessed by going to MyUTampa and clicking on the Blackboard icon. Some things students may expect to see: * course materials, * discussion boards, * supplemental readings, * group communications,

How do I access myutampa?

Accessibility features in Blackboard: Accessibility on Blackboard. Accessibility in Blackboard Instructor. Accessibility in the Blackboard App. Inclusive Classrooms: A Strategy and Framework. Ally Quick Start for Instructors.

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Email: [email protected]. Text: +1 813 730 5030. Call: (813) 253 6293. Please be sure to use the left-hand sidebar navigation on the faculty support webpages to find more content, such as prerecorded training, and other faculty-specific ITS support …


What is a blackboard?

Blackboard is an online tool that enhances the student’s learning experience. The University of Tampa makes extensive use of the Blackboard Academic Suite. Professors are able to post syllabi, notes from classroom presentations, messages to students and other useful information.

What is the University of Tampa?

The University of Tampa provides access to technology tools and resources to facilitate the remote classroom experience , such as teleconference lectures and discussions, recorded presentations, shared materials, and class assignments. We are committed to helping faculty to optimize their students’ online experience with technology.

How to access the knowledge base of UT?

To access the knowledge base, log into MyUTampa and then click on the “Service Desk” icon. After logging in, use the search function to locate step-by-step instructions.

What is OKTA in the cloud?

OKTA is a third-party enterprise-grade identity management service, built for the cloud but compatible with many on premise applications. Compatible with all browsers, visit (and bookmark!) MyUTampa to begin your reduced-login experience.

What is a blackboard assignment?

A Blackboard Assignment is a location for students to upload files for essays, papers or other types of assigned work. Assignments may be set to allow one or multiple attempts.

How to upload a file to a hot spot?

To upload a file, click Browse My Computer and select a file to attach or drag and drop your file from your computer to the "hot spot" in the Attach Files area . You can add a Link Title. If the box is left blank, the file name becomes the title.

How to upload a video on Mashups?

To upload a video, click on the Write Submission button and then click on the Mashups drop-down button select Kaltura Media to select or upload a video. If your video is already uploaded to your My Media account, click the Select button next to the video.

Can you submit multiple assignments at once?

If your instructor has not allowed multiple attempts, you can submit assignments only once. Ensure that you have attached any required files to your assignment before you click Submit. If you submit without attaching a file, the instructor will need to clear your attempt before you can try again.
