vccs blackboard learn

by Margret Wunsch II 8 min read

What is a libguide?

LibGuides is a widely-used digital tool used by libraries to quickly collect and customize access to a set of particular e-resources, whether library, open access, or otherwise.

What is an OER?

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation defines open educational resources (OER) as “teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others.

Where can I find information about the VCCS Financial Aid Workgroup?

Simply login to myVCCS and select Blackboard Learn. Under the ‘My Organizations’ section, select ‘Financial Aid Workgroup’. If you don’t have access to the Financial Aid Workgroup organization, simply send an email to Laurie Owens at [email protected] with your myVCCS username and access will be granted.

Where can I find supporting documentation for utilizing the Blackboard Student Service tools, including BbCRM, SIMS, and other day-to-day operations?

Simply login to myVCCS and select Blackboard Learn. Under the ‘My Organizations’ section, select ‘VCCS SIS Library’. Then, navigate to Documents > Blackboard Student Services Resource Center.

What student success tools are available to me through Blackboard?

Blackboard has integrations with several tools that can help support student success initiatives. Early alert (SAILS) is available as in integration in the left hand menu of each Blackboard college instance under “Tools”. You can also access early alert within each class by clicking on “Tools” and then “Starfish”.

Do the grades I post in Blackboard get uploaded to SIS?

Currently, we do not have an integration turned on that allows grades to be uploaded to SIS directly from Blackboard. Faculty must log into SIS and manually enter final grade information. However, faculty are strongly encouraged to use the Gradebook features in Blackboard to allow students to track their progress in the course through the semester.

Where do I go with questions about Blackboard?

Each college has a Blackboard administrator who should be your first point of contact for any Blackboard questions. If your Blackboard administrator is unable to help, they will be able to escalate the question to the System Office Blackboard team.

Where can I find supporting financial aid documentation for utilizing SIS?

Simply login to myVCCS and select Blackboard Learn. Under the ‘My Organizations’ section, select ‘VCCS SIS Library’. Then, navigate to Documents > Financial Aid > Process Documentation.

How do I get access to QUINN – our Business Intelligence system?

You must request access through your college’s CIO or CISO. Open a ticket with your college help desk and request access to the Quinn modules that most closely relate to your job functions: Student, Finance, Financial Aid, or HR data. For most users, the Student module should be sufficient.
