utoledo blackboard support

by Mr. Johnson Kunde DVM 5 min read

What is the Toledo Military Service Center?

The University of Toledo Military Service Center recognizes the sacrifices of our service members and their families and is dedicated to helping them achieve continued success in life. They provide accessible educational and degree completion opportunities and a wide range of customized support services, including educational benefit processing, mentoring, advocacy, and networking. Click the link to learn more.

What is a browser check page?

The Browser Check Page will enable you to perform a systems check on your computer to ensure that your browser, settings, and plug-ins are compatible with Blackboard. If you see a red fail or yellow warning icon on the Browser Check Page, follow the instructions under the icon to install necessary plug-ins and adjust your browser settings.

What is Rocket Care Response Report?

The Rocket Care Response Report is used to connect UT students with help and resources to ensure the well-being and a safe learning environment for all. Any student, faculty, staff, and parent/family member may submit a Rocket Care Response Report. Once the report is submitted, professional staff within the Office of Student Advocacy and Support will follow-up with all involved parties within a 24-48 hour period.

Does Collaborate Ultra require a launcher?

Collaborate Ultra is browser-based and does not require a separate launcher application or software download. Please be advised that Collaborate Ultra is a powerful product whose feature set is evolving rapidly, so we will be updating these guides frequently as new features are added.

Can you use Blackboard Collaboration Ultra?

Blackboard Collaborate Ultra can be used just as any other web conferencing tool. Although Collaborate Ultra is available in all Blackboard courses, start by creating sessions and making the Collaborate link available for students to access it.


Technical Support Services

  • UToledo Online Help Desk (Blackboard) Need technical help with Blackboard? Contact the UToledo Online Help Desk. The UToledo Online Help Desk offers extended hours in the evenings and on weekends to assist you with technical problems with Blackboard, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Echo 360, and Respondus Lockdown Browser. There are also step-by-step...
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Academic Support Services

  • Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources The Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources coordinates individualized accommodations for students in need of accessibility support. Center for Success Coaching Success Coaches provide individualized support to empower students to thrive academically, personally, and professionally from orientation to gra…
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Other Support Services For Students

  • Office of Student Advocacy and Support The college experience can be stressful and challenging. However, when a difficult situation interferes with your personal wellness, the Office of Student Advocacy and Support works alongside you to empower success. Rocket Solution Central Rocket Solution Central is your one-stop service location for assistance with financial aid, student acco…
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