usc blackboard forgot password

by Edmond Waters 7 min read

You log into Blackboard using your USC Network Username and Password. How do I reset my USC password? Go to Click the "View my ID's" link under PERSONAL on the Faculty/Staff or Students tab Log into SSC You'll be shown your Network Username Click the Manage Password button beside it to set your password.

Self-service USC Password Reset
  1. Go to the self-service USC Password Reset page.
  2. Enter your username in the text box.
  3. A security code will be sent to your registered mobile phone or alternate email address (only if no mobile number is available).
  4. Enter the security code in the field.
  5. Enter your new password.

Full Answer

How do I Reset my USC username and password?

Please verify your 10-digit USC ID number and your USC NetID. You'll receive a confirmation code at your secondary email address and can then set up a new password. You should receive an email from ITS Customer Support Center within the next few minutes. When you receive that message, copy the confirmation code and paste it below, then set up your new …

How do I contact USC for support with blackboard?

Please verify your Org Account NetID and your USC NetID. You'll receive a confirmation code at your secondary email address and can then set up a new password. You should receive an email from ITS Customer Support Center within the next few minutes. When you receive that message, copy the confirmation code and paste it below, then set up your new …

What is my USC netid passphrase?

USC Upstate Password Reset. Must contain a minimum of 8 characters. Must include at least one of each of the following: Uppercase letter. Lowercase letter. Number. Special character.

What do I do if I Forgot my Password?

Forgot? You can reset your password here. If you need more help, call ITS Customer Support at 213‑740‑5555. Current password


What do I do if I forgot my student password?

AnswerClick the link Forgot Username or Password.Enter the username and email address for your account, then click Enter.You should receive the email as an email from your school. ... Click on the password reset link in the email you receive.Enter a new password.More items...

How do I change my USC email password?

Change Your USC NetID/Email PasswordGo to on “Change Your Password” on the site page.Enter current USC NetID and password.Create a new password on the “Change your Password” page. Your new password must contain a minimum of 16 to 64 characters.

Where do I find my Uofsc ID?

The USC ID, which is not used to log in to any system, is printed on the back of your CarolinaCard and available in

How do I log into USC computer?

Every student's USC username is unique. The two basic formats of usernames are: ABC123 and A_A094. Use your USC username and password to log into USC student systems and campus computers.

How do I access my USC email?

Accessing USC Email USC Email uses your USC NetID login credentials. You can activate your USC account at: It is during this process that you will be given your USC username and you can select a password.

How do I get my USC alumni email?

Alumni Email Account In order to receive an Gmail account you must be registered for the FightOnline online community. Once logged in, navigate to the “My Alumni Email” tab in “My Profile” to activate your alumni email.

How do I get a new USC ID?

Effective January 1, 2022 all request for USC IDs must be submitted online....Get Your USCardSign-in using your USC Net ID.Complete your application.Select the customer service center will call location for pick-up or you can select to have it mailed to your home address.Jan 1, 2022

How do I claim my Uofsc account?

Claim Your AccountFind your VIPID on your admission letter.Visit to claim your account.Enroll in Multifactor Authentication.Log in to Self-Service Carolina.

How do I connect to Uofsc WIFI?

Wireless Access to the USC Network (USC Secure Wireless)Encrypted network.Available only to USC faculty, staff, and students.Up to 18 times faster than USC Guest Wireless.Most users can connect to the USC Secure Wireless network simply by entering their USC NetID (username) and password when prompted.Nov 6, 2015

What is USC password?

Self-service USC Password Reset To use this service: Go to the self-service USC Password Reset page. Enter your username in the text box. A security code will be sent to your registered mobile phone or alternate email address (only if no mobile number is available).

How do I log into my USC account?

Student LoginEnter your 10-digit USC ID.Enter your passcode.Click the "Enter" button.

How do I set up my USC Upstate email?

To login, go to, and enter your whole email address, and the initial password. When you login to your student e-mail successfully for the first time, you will be prompted through a quick setup process, including changing your password.

Self-Service USC Password Reset

on A USC Workstation

  • If you are on a USC managed computer (eg workstation, computer lab, library commons) you can change your password by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del after you logon. 1. Logon to the computer. 2. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del 3. Select 'Change a Password'. 4. Enter your old password and your new password in the text boxes, making sure you follow the password requirement...
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Need Assistance?

  • If you have not registered your mobile phone and do not have access to a University workstation, then assistance can be provided. Please contact the IT Service Desk (if you are a staff member) or the Student IT Help Desk(if you are a student).
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Password Requirements

  1. Your password is case-sensitive.
  2. Your password MUST be between 8 and 16 characters in length.
  3. Your password MUST have at least one UPPERCASE character.
  4. Your password MUST have at least one LOWERCASE character.
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