university_of_rochester blackboard

by Alfonso Halvorson 7 min read

What is blackboard and how do I access it?

Apr 07, 2022 · Blackboard is a virtual hub for student services that provides access to online course materials, grades, organizations, accounts, and …

How long does it take for Blackboard courses to show up?

Blackboard Learn Using the Blackboard Learning System at the Warner School The Warner School uses the University of Rochester’s main Blackboard Learning System. As a Warner School student or faculty member, your primary source for help can be reached at [email protected]. Accessing Your Courses on Blackboard

How do I reset my blackboard password?

Blackboard Login Change in the Cloud Selecting your Login from the Main Learn URL When Logging into Blackboard, select your Login type. Faculty, staff and students at University of Rochester will choose log in with NetID. External users and special accounts will choose local Blackboard account. Selecting your Login from the Alternate Screens


Selecting your Login from the Alternate Screens

If you are logging in from the mobile app, Panopto, or from a l ink outside Blackboard, you will be taken to a screen that looks like this.

Login with NetID

After choosing NetID Login, you will be taken to the NetID login screen that looks like this.

Local Accounts

If you choose the Local Accounts option, you will be presented with the following screen. This will only work with local accounts and will not provide access to NetID logins.


Blackboard is now hosted in the cloud. It is on the latest version of Blackboard Learn 9.1

What Has Changed?

First time use of the mobile app - Requires a reset of your connection - Learn more
