uncw blackboard log in

by Chaz Larson V 6 min read

Who do I contact in case I have an issue?

Contact the Technology Assistance Center (TAC) located in Randall Library for any issues. Please see their contact information at www.uncw.edu/tac. To submit a ticket please send an email to the TAC ([email protected]).

How do I get a course shell?

Courses entered into Banner will normally be populated in Blackboard Learn within 24 hours. If you are looking to add a non-banner course, it will be necessary for you to submit a request to TAC via an email ([email protected]).

Who gets an account on Blackboard Learn?

Any Banner user who teaches a course or is enrolled in a course will have a Blackboard Learn account. In addition, most active staff employees also get accounts. Non-Banner users within non-Banner courses will have to be manually created and username with password will be forwarded to appropriate parties.

How do I log in to Blackboard Learn?

Using your UNCW email username (without the @uncw.edu) and your e-mail password, log in to https://learn.uncw.edu. If you have a non-Banner account, you should have been provided with your username and password.

Can I change my UNCW password in Blackboard Learn?

Your UNCW password cannot be changed within Blackboard Learn. However, you can change your UNCW password at anytime by visiting the " System Login " Web page and following the instructions. Once changed, it is automatically reflected in Blackboard Learn.

Students are enrolled in the class, but it doesn't show up in their list of courses. Why?

Usually the reason a course is not showing up is that the instructor of the course has not made it available. Check your SeaNet roster. Double check emails from instructors regarding course availability. If your course is not listed on the first day of class, contact your instructor.

What browser should I use?

Blackboard works most efficiently and is most stable using Mozilla Firefox. View updated browser information for PCs and Macs here.