19 rows · Contact Us. General COVID-19/Fall 2020 Questions. covid19@umbc.edu. To reach any UMBC office, ...
Contact. Phone: 410-455-2335; Contact Us; Special Sessions Administrative Support on Facebook; Special Sessions Administrative Support on Instagram
Institutional Research, Analysis & Decision Support. (410) 455-3577. Kevin Joseph. (technical or BlackBoard Analytics questions) Director – Business Intelligence. Division of Information Technology. (410) 455-5611. Dr. Yvette Mozie-Ross. (general usage and sponsorship questions)
410.455.2920 | mariannhawken@umbc.edu. Dr. Thomas Penniston Analytics Specialist, Instructional Technology 410.455.3493 | penniston@umbc.edu. Collin Sullivan LMS Support Specialist 410.455.6263 | collinsullivan@umbc.edu. Laura Wyatt Instructional Design Specialist 410.455.3890 | lauraw@umbc.edu
Our Office of Undergraduate Admissions and Orientation is open Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. You may contact our office via phone (410-455-2292), online, or by reaching out directly to your admissions representative.
You can send us an email at enrollment@umbc.edu.
At the end of every semester, DoIT publishes UMBC's “Most Active Blackboard Courses” reports so faculty can seek each other out about what works (or doesn't) and why. All UMBC Blackboard courses and communities also have access to Collaborate, a web-based conferencing and collaboration tool.
Visit my.umbc.edu/help to find or request help.Consult the FAQ knowledge base on the myUMBC “Help” menu at my.umbc.edu/help. ... Request help by submitting an RT ticket on the myUMBC “Help” menu at my.umbc.edu/help.More items...
UMBC is currently fully in-person for the Fall 2021 semester.
You can access Gmail either clicking the mail icon in myUMBC and clicking the blue Open button or by going to gmail.umbc.edu directly.Mar 7, 2011
To request an account email umbcworks@umbc.edu. UMBCworks is your online system for on-campus jobs, internships, co-ops, off-campus part-time, temporary, seasonal, and full-time entry and experienced level positions. Access a comprehensive calendar of Career Events. on campus.