umb blackboard learn

by Sheridan Grady 8 min read

What is Blackboard Learn™?

LinkedIn Learning is a robust library of video tutorials on Blackboard and tens of thousands of other topics designed to meet the needs of faculty and students. Getting Started. How do I login to Blackboard? Visit the login page at and log in with your UMass Boston email user name (not including the "") and password.

How do I access my blackboard course with a UMass Boston course template?

For the best Blackboard Learn experience with your screen reader, use Firefox® and JAWS® on a Windows® system. On a Mac® use Safari® and VoiceOver. Visit the Accessibility topic to learn more about Blackboard's approach to accessible software. If you experience problems logging in with your UMID or password, email the IT Help Desk.

How do I get administrative access to BlackBoard Learn?

Blackboard Learn™ is a learning management system that the University uses to help instructors make learning more effective in and beyond the traditional classroom walls. Blackboard helps with: bringing efficiency to day-to-day tasks providing tools to engage every learner reaching learners on the devices they rely on

How do I make a course unavailable to students on Blackboard?

All classes scheduled in WISER at UMass Boston automatically receive a Blackboard course with a UMass Boston course template. If you do not want content copied to your course from a prior semester, you do not need to complete this form. Login to Blackboard to access your course. If you want course material copied from an existing course, please complete the form below.


Request Copy of Content

Enroll Your Graduate Or Teaching Assistant(s) in Blackboard

Creation of Non-Wiser Accounts

Copy Blackboard Content from Another Instructor

Change The Start Or End Date For A Course

Add Or Delete A Student to/from A Course

Merge Sections

Transfer Final Grade from Blackboard to Wiser

Blackboard User Roles

Administrative Access

  • Administrative access to Blackboard Learn can only be granted by the Manager of eLearning and Instructional Design, the Senior Learning Management Systems Administrator, or UMass Online administrators (for their own support purposes). Administrator roles are currently limited to “All Course Admin”, “All System Support”, and “Survey Author” (in limited cases).
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