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Apr 12, 2022 · Blackboard content market. April 12, 2022. Using external learning materials from academic publishers such as Pearson, Macmillan or Cengage in Blackboard is a great way to enhance teaching and learning in your courses. Instructors and course builders can access ready-made material from textbook publishers to enhance their curriculum and provide ...
Blackboard Learn is the centrally-supported learning management system used by faculty and students at UIC. There are two apps for Blackboard users. The Blackboard app is available for students to receive mobile updates, participate in course-related activities, and view grades. The Blackboard Instructor app allows instructors to view the ...
Blackboard Introduction. Blackboard Learn is the centrally-supported learning management system used by faculty and students at UIC. To access UIC Blackboard go to uic.blackboard.com and login using your UIC NetID and password.
Internet Explorer should be avoided. Use Chrome, Safari, Edge (Chromium) or Firefox browser for the best Blackboard Learn experience.
Visit the UIC Help Center Knowledge Base to find these Blackboard answers and more.
ABI/INFORM Global#N#This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database#N#ABI/INFORM is an extensive business research database with full-text articles from business journals, business and trade magazines and newspapers.
Database in biomedicine which also excels in its coverage of pharmaceutical research. From 1974 to present.#N#Tip: If you have problems with off campus access, use AnyConnect VPN. To install, go to AnyConnect VPN and make sure you select the Library-Resources group.
Over 3,500 journals are reviewed for indexing in the GeoRef database as well as books, maps, government reports, conference papers, and theses and dissertations. GeoRef In Process does NOT contain the most current records and should not be confused with a database of Recent References.
Gartner Research provides access to research and analysis on information technology (IT) technologies, practices, and strategies performed by the Gartner Group. The University of Illinois Administrative Information Technology Services subscribes to this database. Selected reports are available for students, faculty and staff of the University of Illinois.
Medical information database of clinical topic summaries, including a grading the quality of evidence cited, designed primarily for point-of-care use. Includes Isabel which is used by physicians to help construct or broaden a differential diagnosis.#N#Note: If you get an authentication failed message, close your browser and try accessing the site again.
DSM-V Library#N#This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database#N#This is the newest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). It includes DSM-5 Handbook of Differential Diagnosis, DSM-5 Clinical Cases, Guía de consulta de los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-5, and DSM-5 Legacy.
DSM Legacy Collection#N#This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database#N#The collection has previous editions of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for reference and archival purposes. They include DSM-I, DSM-I Special Supplement, DSM-II, DSM-II 6th printing change, DSM-III, DSM-III-R, DSM-IV, and DSM-IV-TR.