uhcl uct how to go to blackboard

by Lavonne Veum 10 min read

Does UHCL offer online blackboard training?

OIT's Instructional Design and Technology team regularly receives requests from faculty, staff, and students for a number of Blackboard-related tasks. Each link on this page will open an online form on which the information that our team needs to complete the request will be gathered.

What is Blackboard Student Support for University of Houston-Clear Lake?

UHCL Email Problems and Blackboard (Monday, October 2, 2017) Due to the issues that UCT is having with the campus email servers, students in FA17 Blackboard courses may NOT be receiving emails of announcements that instructors have posted in their classes.

How do I contact the blackboard support center?

Contact. Support Center. Bayou 1312 (Mini Support Center) 2700 Bay Area Blvd. Houston, TX 77058-100 Phone: 281-283-2828 [email protected] Fall/Spring Hours:

What is my UHCL email address?

Feb 01, 2017 · Blackboard Email Tool Workarounds Posted on February 1st, 2017 By Amanda Bruce, February 1, 2017, 4:33 pm . Due to a significant data security threat for which Blackboard has not yet provided a fix, UCT has disabled the Email tool in …


How to access Blackboard UHCL?

1. Once you have opened your desired browser on your computer, go to the UHCL homepage, located at http://www.uhcl.edu. 2. Locate and click the Blackboard link, located below the blue band near the top of the screen.Sep 25, 2017

How do I log into my UHCL computer?

PC Users. Note: Students need to enter “PCLAB\” before their username, and faculty and staff need to enter “UHCL\” before their username.

How do I log into my UHCL email?

Email accounts for all UHCL users are managed through Outlook within O365. As described above, you will use your PCLAB username and password to access O365 and you can then open Outlook to retrieve your school-related email. Your email address will be your [email protected].

Can I register at the off campus site and pay for classes there UHCL?

Tuition and fees can be paid by credit card or students can arrange to make installment payments. Students that register to take classes at an off-campus location must attend classes at that particular location.

How do I find my uh email?

If you don't know your email address, you can find out by doing a search for yourself at http://www. uh . edu/directory or by logging into your myUH (Peoplesoft) account and going to UH Self Service. Click on Campus Personal Information and then Email Addresses.

How do I change my UHCL password?

What Can I Do?If you know your password and it is not expired, you can change the Password/Challenge Question. Enter Username [i.e. williams2345] Enter Password. Click [Sign In]If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your Password/Challenge Question. Enter Username [i.e. williams2345] Click [Forgot Password]

How do I pay my UHCL tuition?

Payment MethodsUHCL accepts payment in the following methods:Online Payments. Online payments can be made via E-Services by credit card, debit card or e-check. ... In Person Payments. ... Mail Option. ... Wire Transfer. ... Refunds.

Is University of Houston Clear Lake a good school?

UHCL debuted on the 2016 Best Regional Universities - West rankings in 81st place. It climbed to 74th in 2017, 63rd in 2018, 61st place in 2019 and 43rd for 2020. Factors in UHCL's current rankings include: 3.0 peer assessment score.Sep 9, 2019

How do I drop a class UHCL?

To Drop a ClassLog into E-Services with your Student ID and Password.Select "Academic Records."Select "Enrollment: Drop Classes."Select the applicable semester.Select the class you want to drop. Click "Drop Selected Classes."Confirm you have selected the right class to drop. ... Confirm you have dropped the class.

How do I apply for Uhcl scholarship?

Renewal CriteriaPlease log into E-Services and click on "Financial Aid"Next click on "Apply for UHCL Scholarships". ... Click "Search"The Hawk Scholars Scholarship should pop up.Do NOT click on "Apply" **Click on "Details" to view the criteria.More items...

What college does not exist at Uhcl?

In partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar, UHCL founded a new initiative that does not exist at any other institution of higher education in the United States: The Diplomacy Institute at UHCL.

Who should you speak to about your degree plan requirements Uhcl?

For more information, contact the Office of Academic Advising via email at: [email protected] or contact the following advisors at 281-283-3600.

What is a PCLAB account?

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) maintains and issues several different types of student computer accounts. A student’s primary UHCL computer account , sometimes called a PCLAB Domain account, is automatically created once a student is admitted to UHCL and registered in a course. Accounts are automatically renewed for Fall and Spring semester through re-enrollment at UHCL. Use the UHCL Account Pickup & Policy Agreement link to find your username, create a password, and set up your challenge questions. PCLAB credentials (username and password) are used to access the following UHCL services and systems:

How long does it take for a student account to be deleted?

Student accounts will be permanently deleted approximately 90 days after the account expires. If a student returns to UHCL before the account is deleted, the account will be automatically re-activated. Important: Students will lose access to Office 365 after the account has been deleted.

What is a student worker account?

Student Worker Accounts. Students employed by UHCL (including TAs, RAs, and general student workers) will have UHCL staff account auto-generated. You should use your staff account (also referred to as a UHCL account) for all work that you perform as a student worker.
