uc blackboard

by Dr. Trenton Harber I 9 min read

When will Kaltura and blackboard be unavailable during maintenance?

University Of Cincinnati. My favorites. Sign in. Messages. Settings. Select Your App Experience. Student. Login as a Transfer or Current Student New Student. Login as New Student ...

How do I contact the UCIT help desk?

Students. The upgraded Blackboard site is now live! Log in at canopy.uc.edu. These video tutorials and instructions will get you up and running on the new Blackboard system. Please contact the UCIT Help Desk for additional support at 513-556-4357 or toll free, from outside Greater Cincinnati at 866-397-3382.

What is the new learn 2016 theme for Blackboard?

On Friday, Dec. 15 from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Blackboard and Kaltura will be unavailable while maintenance is performed on Blackboard. This upgrade will adopt the “Learn 2016” theme, which features an updated visual appearance. This new theme will introduce minor changes to the color, fonts, and spacing.
