turn off tracking on blackboard

by Gregorio Ernser DVM 5 min read

Turn progress tracking on for your course:
  1. Select Courses from the Ultra navigation menu.
  2. Select a Course.
  3. On Details & Actions > Progress Tracking, select Turn on.
  4. Once the Progress Tracking panel opens, switch the toggle from off to on.
  5. Save your new settings.

What is progress tracking on blackboard?

When you enable progress tracking, Blackboard adds completion indicators to every item and assessment in your course. Content and assessments are marked as “started” when students click on them. Students can mark content “complete” by clicking the indicator.Jan 18, 2022

How do you track views on blackboard?

Track student views in BlackboardGo to the item and click the dropdown menu to select View Statistics Report.Click the dropdown menu to Run.Select the desired specifications.To select individual users, use Ctrl + mouse to highlight names, or use Ctrl + A to select all.Click Submit.Aug 8, 2018

Does Blackboard track your activity?

Blackboard can monitor and record candidates' exam environment through their computer's webcam and microphone, record computer screen, monitor and restrict right-clicking, minimize, screen capture, new window, and various other actions.Mar 30, 2022

Can professors see your activity on Blackboard?

But these features are limited: professors can only see the last time a student logs into Blackboard and which students download files from their Blackboard pages. Many professors who use Canvas don't use the student analytics features, but said they would once they are acclimated to the learning management system.Oct 10, 2017