turkey parts blackboard

by Abelardo Emmerich 7 min read

The Solution

Here's how to solve this dilemma: roast turkey parts instead of a whole bird! When cut away from the bird, the legs and thighs cook more quickly while the whole breast, which is much larger, takes a bit longer to cook. Choose one herb mixture or rub and use that on all of the turkey parts.

Turkey Part Cooking Times

All of these recipes cook at the same temperature (350 F), so you can cook the parts at the time, even in the same pan; just stagger the start times. Add the turkey legs after the breast has been in the oven for 30 minutes, then after another 30 minutes add the thighs so they're done at about the same time.

Roast Turkey Part Recipes

Herb Roasted Turkey Breast Choose your favorite herbs for this easy recipe. Fresh herbs do have more flavor, but you can use dried if that's easier. Use 1/3 the amount of dried herbs as the fresh herbs called for in the recipe. Start with the turkey breast skin side up on top of the stuffing or vegetables.