ttu blackboard live shell request

by Mr. Reynold Cole DVM 5 min read

How do I get Started with blackboard at Texas Tech?

Jan 21, 2020 · Getting Started with Blackboard@TTU . To get started with Blackboard at Texas Tech, it is recommended that you request a Blackboard Development Shell and Live Shell. We loosely categorize our Blackboard course into two types - the …

What are the blackboard maintenance hours at TTU?

Contact us at [email protected] or 806-742-5933. How do I request to combine live courses? Only the Instructor of Record in Banner can request the combining of Live Shells in Blackboard. • Blackboard Live Shells NOT be combined after can students have submitted course work in Blackboard. • Combining sections will merge all students into ...

How do I request a blackboard development shell?

Where can I find more information about blackboard training?

What time does the TTU Blackboard Steering Group open?

The TTU Blackboard Steering Group has reserved Friday morning, 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., each week for system maintenance on the Blackboard Learning Management System. During these periods, the Blackboard system may be unavailable. Should you experience outages outside of these times, please contact IT Help Central at (806)742-4357 (HELP) .

When will live classes be available in Fall 2021?

Fall 2021 Live Courses. On July 5, 2021, at 5:00 PM, all Fall 2021 live courses will be pushed to Blackboard. After that time and as new courses are created in Banner, they will also be pushed into Blackboard; courses will not have to be requested.

How to contact Blackboard TTU?

For more information about Blackboard training, consultations, or technical support, please email [email protected] or call 806-742-0133 .

What is live shell in Banner?

The Live Shell is connected to Banner and will auto-populate your course with all registered students. After the Live Shell is created, you will have the option to copy the content from an existing Development Shell (or another existing Live Shell) into the new semester's Live Shell.