Is there a Blackboard app for my phone/tablet? Students can download the Blackboard App from the iTunes Store or Google Play. Open the app store on your device and search for 'Blackboard App.' Install and open the app and search for Trinity College Dublin. Staff can download the Blackboard Instructor app from the iOS or Google Play app stores.
Contact Us. [email protected] +353 1 896 1407. Student Learning Development 7-9 South Leinster Street Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2 Ireland View the contact page for more contact and location information
Blackboard Information for 2021/22. Blackboard Learn ( is College's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Staff can use TCD Blackboard to host teaching materials, create online assessments, use social learning tools such as blogs and journals, and incorporate other technologies such as Panopto videos and Collaborate Ultra webinars ...
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin. Trinity Search. ... All data in Blackboard is based on the College timetabling systems and information taken from your student record on Blackboard requires an active TCD computer account for access.