thread "order" blackboard learn

by Kaylah Gibson 9 min read

How do I reorder discussions in Blackboard?

Navigate to the Blackboard discussion forum(s). Hover your mouse cursor over the left side the forum you wish to move. A cross-hair cursor will appear. Left click, hold, and drag the forum up or down to be in the appropriate position.Jul 24, 2013

Can you edit threads in Blackboard?

Edit a thread Open a forum and select a thread. On the thread's page, point to a post so that all of the functions appear and select Edit. The editor appears. Make edits while you view the original post.

What is a thread in Blackboard?

A thread is a conversation within a forum that includes the initial post and all replies to it.

Can professors see edits on Blackboard?

By default, Edit Mode is turned On for instructors. When edit mode is turned on, an instructor can see all course content whether it is set to be visible or not. Instructors can also modify their course in this view. When edit mode is turned off, an instructor will see the course as a student would see it.Oct 22, 2018

Can you delete a discussion thread on Blackboard as a student?

Open the discussion's menu and select Delete. You can delete an entire discussion along with all responses and replies. Instructors can delete any discussion, while students can only delete discussions they've created. When students delete a discussion, other users see a message about the deletion.

Can you edit a thread on Blackboard as a student?

You can edit or delete your own posts only if your instructor has made those options available to you. You cannot edit or delete others' posts. If you post a message in error and the option to delete it is not available to you, contact your instructor.

How do I start a thread in Blackboard?

Start a Thread in a Discussion BoardOpen Blackboard and navigate to a course with a discussion board.Click the Discussion Board link from the navigation menu.Click the link for the forum you want to start a new thread in.Click Create Thread. ... Enter a Subject and Message for your thread.

How do I start a new thread?

Starting a Thread With a Runnable Thread thread = new Thread(runnable); thread. start(); When the thread is started it will call the run() method of the MyRunnable instance instead of executing it's own run() method.Mar 9, 2021

What does create a thread mean?

Discord introduced Threads, temporary text channels that will automatically disappear after they have been inactive for a specific length of time. You can create a Thread using any existing message, as well as from scratch. This feature allows you to organize different conversations within a single channel.Aug 2, 2021

Can you delete an assignment on blackboard?

Select Clear Attempt in the bottom right of the page. 5. Blackboard will issue a warning message reminding you that the submission cannot be recovered. Click OK to delete the attempt.Jul 17, 2018

Can teachers see canvas edits?

- this feature allows students to edit or delete their existing posts. If the post is edited, there is no history for the Instructor to look at to see what was changed.

How do you get a discussion on canvas without replying?

Click on the discussion you want to edit. Click on Edit next to the Published button in the top-right corner. Scroll down to Options and UNCHECK “Users must post before seeing replies”.Jan 25, 2021

How to change order of items in Blackboard?

When Edit Mode is On, these appear as double-headed arrows; when you hover the mouse over them, the image changes to a four-headed arrow . Click and hold the item in order to drag it to a new location; then let go to drop it there.

Where is the edit mode switch?

The Edit Mode Switch is located in the upper-right corner of every page and must be “On” in order to access the editing tools. The switch image shows you what state the page is in:

What is a blackboard learn screen reader?

The Blackboard Learn Screen Reader Tutorial provides users that access Blackboard Learn through a screen reader with information to help them use Black board Learn successfully.#N#Notes#N#Read the following notes before you begin maneuvering through Blackboard Learn.

What is a journal in Blackboard?

Journals are a new feature in Blackboard Learn. Instructors can assign a journal to each user in a Course or Course Group that is accessible by only them and the user in order to communicate privately with the Instructor. Users can post messages to the Instructor and the Instructor, in turn, can comment. Instructors can allow Journal entries to be read by the rest of the users in a Course.

What is the "My Institution" tab?

The "My Institution" sub tab contains modules for your Courses, Tools, Links, Announcements, Calendar, etc. Modules are all customizable; your default modules may vary; however, you have the control to alter which modules show up in your content area.

How many frames are there on the login page?

There are no frames on the login page. There are two edit fields on the Login page. Your cursor is automatically placed in the first field requesting your username. Enter your username, the next edit field asks for your password. Enter your password and then select "Login".

What is user directory?

The User Directory is a search function. You can search users by First Name, Last Name, Username, or Email. You can also search the name by "Starts With", "Equal to", and "Contains".

How to read a thread in a forum?

You can either select the link of the name of the thread or select the thread by "checking" the thread name and selecting the "Collect" button above the Forum table. Selecting " Collect" will list all of the posts in a particular thread.

What is a mashup?

Mashups are extra content that you can link to within your course work. A button within the text box editor will display the options that are enabled at your institution for adding Mashups. The types of Mashups that you can add include Flickr photos, YouTube Videos and Slideshare Presentations. Once you select which type of Mashup you want to include, you will search for the item you want to add.
