suny rcc blackboard

by Prof. Adalberto Kertzmann DDS 6 min read

How do online courses work on Blackboard?

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Why choose RCC online?

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What is it like to attend RCC?

For updated Home Show information please visit or call 845-343-2772. Any updates will be posted here and on the Closings page. Rockland Community College is serving as a COVID-19 Community Testing Site. Learn more and make an appointment. Spring 2022 Semester Update.


How long does it take to complete an eLearning course?

Students can register for these courses any time during the first 12 weeks of the semester and complete the course within 15 weeks of registration. Some courses use the Blackboard Learning CMS to access the course content.

What is hybrid class?

Hybrid is a combination of online and on-campus meetings. Courses meet in the classroom one day a week and then meet another day online. Hybrid courses are taught using the Blackboard Learning CMS. Hybrid courses are identified with an “M” at the beginning of the section number and an “S” at the end of the section number (e.g., CSP 100- M 01 S ). Hybrid courses are semester bound.
