stm32f407vet6 blackboard

by Orlo Hamill 5 min read

How much does a stm32f407vet6 black board cost?

STM32F407VETX_RAM.ld lv_conf.h Lvgl graphic library at STM32F407VET6 Black board with its' fitting ILI9341 320x240 display.

How do I program the stm32f407vet6 Nucleo board?

Buy HiLetgo STM32F407VET6 STM32 Cortex-M4 MCU Core Board Development Board NRF2410 FMSG SD Card: ... Blackboard will help you filter down to relevant projects and board configurations. The board is functional, it can be programmed in Arduino but if you want the full capabilities you need a bare metal compiler.

How to connect the stm32f407vet6 board to the J-Link?

Sep 26, 2020 · If you live in the USA and have Amazon prime, there are a couple of different STM32F407VET6 boards available for < $10 before tax. I ordered one on Sunday (the Black board with the onboard battery) and it arrived one day later. Basic tests blinky, RTC, and SerialUSB all compile and run without any problems so far.

How do I install stm32f407vet6 on mbed-Dev?

Oct 22, 2020 · Re: STM32f407vet6 blackboard malfunctional PWM. Yes, I use Arduino IDE. Approximate code: Does not work also if PWMwrite is replaced with analogWrite (PWMis also replaced with OUTPUT ) or if 65535 is replaced with 255 or 1024. I mean, I've read that analogWrite works with numbers 0:255, so I've tried different combinatins.


How to use ST link V2?

If not done yet install an ST-Link/V2 driver onto your PC. Plug the ST-Link V2 dongle into your PC. Then click on the Compile button and save the binary to your local disk. Install and run the STM32 ST-LINK utility. Once the program is running open the binary built with the online compiler and click on the Program verify button.

What color are PC6 and PB9?

Only the labels printed in blue/white (i.e. PC_6, PB_9 ...) must be used in your code. The other labels are given as information (alternate-functions, power pins, ...). You can also use these additional pin names:

Does MBED need to be modified?

No MBED library modifications are needed. However, please notice that because pin PA_7, which is driving the on-board LED2 (D3), is used also by the Ethernet interface (as CRS) the LED will emit light.

Can you use a micro SD card in MBED?

Unfortunately MBED doesn't support such type of peripheral. Nevertheless, it's still possible to use the on-board micro SD card slot.

Can you use a NUCLEO virtual disk to program a STM32F407VET6?

You can use the NUCLEO virtual disk to program the STM32F407VET6 board (drag and drop programming). To do that, an additional NUCLEO board is needed (any type equipped with ST-LINK/V2-1 will do).

Build the firmware

Clone the board definitions to your MicroPython ports/stm32/boards folder.

Flashing via DFU

This board can be flashed using DFU. To put the board in DFU mode, disconnect USB, set BOOT0 to ON by connecting pin BT0 to 3V3 and reconnect USB.

Accessing the board

Once built and deployed, you can access the MicroPython REPL (the Python prompt) via USB serial.

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Product description

supports further expansion. It is ideal for starting application development with STM32F family

STM32F407VET6 Black board

If you live in the USA and have Amazon prime, there are a couple of different STM32F407VET6 boards available for < $10 before tax. I ordered one on Sunday (the Black board with the onboard battery) and it arrived one day later. Basic tests blinky, RTC, and SerialUSB all compile and run without any problems so far.

Re: STM32F407VET6 Black board

You can find this board pretty much everywhere - eBay, Aliexpress, Amazon,...#N#I bought mine of eBay.

STM32f407vet6 blackboard malfunctional PWM

Hello, everyone. I've bought a STM32f407vet6 blackboard from China. It seems to work mostly well when speaking about digital inputs and outputs, but I have problems with the PWM, it doesn't start at all neither with

Re: STM32f407vet6 blackboard malfunctional PWM

I guess it is libmaple as STM32 core does not have pwmWrite API nor PWM as argument of pin mode.

STM32F407VET6 Black Board

The depicted image elaborates the hardware of the STM32F4VET6 Blackboard. Beginners, as well as trained users, can use the features of this board.


We are going to use DFU as an uploading method to communicate with the device. DFU or DfuSe is the USB package to upgrade the firmware on STM32 via USB. Refer to AN3156 and UM0412 for the installation.

Final words

I hope you enjoy working on STM. You can explore more boards and accessories here. Stay tuned for more exciting topics related to STM.


Flashing Via Dfu

  • This board can be flashed using DFU. To put the board in DFU mode, disconnectUSB, set BOOT0 to ON by connecting pin BT0 to 3V3 and reconnect USB. Now you can flash the board using USB with the command: Once the upload is complete, disconnect USB, set BOOT0 to OFF by connectingpin BT0 to GND and reconnect USB. Alternatively, you can use the MicroPython com…
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  1. STM32F407VET6 ARM Cortex M4
  2. 168MHz, 210 DMIPS / 1.25 DMIPS / MHz
  3. 1.8V - 3.6V operating voltage
  4. 8MHz system crystal
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Exposed Port Pins

  1. PA0-PA15
  2. PB0-PB15
  3. PC0-PC13 (PC14 OSC32_IN and PC15 OSC32_OUT not broken out)
  4. PD0-PD15
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  • TFT
    1. 1 GND 2. 2 RST 3. 3 PD10 FSMC_D15 4. 4 PD9 FSMC_D14 5. 5 PD8 FSMC_D13 6. 6 PE15 FSMC_D12 7. 7 PE14 FSMC_D11 8. 8 PE13 FSMC_D10 9. 9 PE12 FSMC_D9 10. 10 PE11 FSMC_D8 11. 11 PE10 FSMC_D7 12. 12 PE9 FSMC_D6 13. 13 PE8 FSMC_D5 14. 14 PE7 FSMC_D4 15. 15 P…
  • SPI Flash W25Q16
    1. 1 PB0 F_CS 2. 2 PB4 SPI1_MISO 3. 3 WP 3V3 4. 4 GND 5. 5 PB5 SPI1_MOSI 6. 6 PB3 SPI1_SCK 7. 7 HOLD 3V3 8. 8 VCC 3V3
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  1. STM32F407VE on
  2. Buy on AliExpressor search for "STM32F407VET6"
  3. Buy on Taobao
  4. STM32F407VET6 datasheet
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