stlcc blackboard im setup

by Dr. Emie Nolan 9 min read

How do I access blackboard as an SLCC student?

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What is blackboard and how does it work?

Blackboard. Blackboard is a tool that allows faculty to add resources for students to access online. ... St. Louis Community College owns bookstores on each of its four campuses and at the South County Center and the William J. Harrison Education Center. All offer textbooks, merchandise and services to support the educational needs of our students.

What is a STLCC Onecard?

1. MySTLCC ID: Your key to higher education. You’re very first step after applying is activating your MySTLCC ID. Although this step is important, setting it up is as easy as ABC. Before you begin, make sure you have your student number (A number) handy. Access your MySTLCC ID.

What is STLCC it model?

Mar 01, 2002 · When first logging in to Blackboard, you will see a Tools section like the one below. Click on "Personal Information". The next screen will have a "Change Password" area. Please add your new password and verify by keying it in again. Please also add your email address here, if it is not posted in your information.


How to log into Blackboard STLCC?

Ý To access Blackboard log on to If you are a current SLCC student and enrolled in a class using Blackboard, you may access Blackboard using your BannerWeb login information. ÝTo access your BannerWeb information, go to and follow the login instructions provided.Jul 21, 2004

How do I connect to STLCC WIFI?

STLCC-Encrypted is the secure wireless network of choice for all users with a valid mySTLCC Net ID and password....Connecting to STLCC-EncryptedOn your device's list of available networks, select "STLCC-Encrypted."If prompted, install the security certificate.When prompted, enter your mySTLCC Net ID and password.

How do I get my STLCC ID?

Contact the Admissions/Registration office for assistance. You must present your STLCC photo ID card to obtain your MySTLCC ID and password. If you are an employee, your MySTLCC ID is generated once the hiring manager submits the paperwork to Human Resources.

What does TR mean in college?

Tuesday, ThursdayCommon Time Block CombinationsMWFMonday, Wednesday, FridayMWMonday, WednesdayTRTuesday, ThursdayApr 12, 2013

1. MySTLCC ID: Your key to higher education

You’re very first step after applying is activating your MySTLCC ID. Although this step is important, setting it up is as easy as ABC. Before you begin, make sure you have your student number (A number) handy.


Navigate is a software designed specifically for STLCC students. Navigate has been designed to help students get ready for college and access campus resources quickly and easily.

Got Questions? Contact the IT Help Desk

The IT Help Desk is here for you from 7:30 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday.

Why do I need to enroll a phone with Microsoft 365?

To protect student and employee data, the College is requiring all employees to enroll a phone with the College to enable multi-factor authentication through Microsoft Office 365. Once a phone is enrolled, employees will have an extra layer of security when accessing Office 365 from non-College systems.

What is a single factor in Office 365?

Something you are (biometrics). Employees have traditionally used their username and password (single-factor) to authenticate to College systems. When moving to Office 365, the College will require employees accessing email and Office 365 from personal systems, to provide their username, password, and approval from another device ...

What is multifactor authentication?

What is multi-factor authentication? Multi-factor authentication is a security protection for accounts that requires users to present two or more pieces of information before being granted access to services. Modern authentication factors include: Something you know (password), Something you have (phone/app), and.

How to verify a cell phone number?

Choose the appropriate country code and enter your cell phone number. Click the “Next” button to begin verification. You will receive a text message with a code . Enter the code on the next screen and click the blue “Verify” button. You will receive a message that the verification was successful.

What is STLCC IT?

STLCC IT is committed to being a customer service organization with IT expertise. We deliver an integrated, responsive and secure technology environment that advances and supports mission of St. Louis Community College.

What is the phone number for the IT Help Desk?

Call: 314-539-5113.

Is the IT Help Desk closed?

The IT Help Desk and End-User Support services are closed for all College holidays. When closed, all phone calls roll over to an overnight support to provide limited support until the next business day. Live Chat Tech Support. 314-539-5113. [email protected].

What is STLCC for students?

STLCC helps connect students with child care grants and even offers a child development center for students to use. Visit for more information about child care grants. Visit to learn more about the STLCC Child Development Center located on the Florissant Valley campus.

What is waitlisting in stlcc?

Waitlisting is a registration feature that allows you to “get in line” for classes that are filled. This process notifies the first student on the waitlist via their mySTLCC email when a seat opens. You have 24 hours from the time the email is sent to register for the class. If you do not register, the next student on the waitlist will be notified.

What is the purpose of campus police?

The primary purpose of the Campus Police department is to create a secure and safe environment for the College community through the protection of persons and property, and the preservation of peace and order on the campus. Campus Police are able to assist you with your vehicle-related issues such as lockouts and jump-starts, as well as provide safety escorts to your vehicle upon request. There is an emergency network of both external and internal phones on all campuses to provide instantaneous, 24-hour availability for communication with department personnel. Campus Police have immediate access to local police agencies to either report a crime or request assistance. In addition to use of the phone systems, you can also contact campus police in person or in writing. Regardless of how an incident is reported, Campus Police will conduct an investigation. Visit for a copy of the College Crime Report (Clery Act Report).

What sports do the St. Louis College Archers play?

Student athletes have the opportunity to play the following sports: men’s baseball, men’s basketball, men’s soccer, women’s basketball, women’s soccer, women’s softball and women’s volleyball. Any student who attends STLCC and meets the eligibility requirements may compete on these teams, regardless of which campus the student attends. Visit to learn more about the STLCC Archers.

What are the services available to students with disabilities?

Support services for students with disabilities are available through campus Access offices. These services include: coordination of academic accommodations and support services, consultation with faculty and staff regarding accommodation needs as well as help with connecting to community professionals and agencies.

What happens if you get a check returned for insufficient funds?

If a check is returned for insufficient funds, a $25 fee will be assessed along with the original balance. A financial hold will be placed against your record, and you may be dropped from class until this debt has been cleared.

How to use Veterans Education Benefits?

If you wish to use eligible veterans education benefits, you must contact the Veterans School Certifying Official on your campus. If you use veterans education benefits, you must have degree-seeking student status and must declare a program of study. Visit for more information.
