sps cuny blackboard

by Mr. Bernard Gutmann Jr. 8 min read

When will my course appear in CUNY blackboard?

Blackboard course shells are automatically created for every CUNY course based on CUNYfirst data. Winter Intercession and Spring 2022 courses were created in …

Who do I contact for more information about the Blackboard environment?

Jan 13, 2022 · This 1-hour webinar will provide a live demonstration of how to use Blackboard most effectively. Topics include how to submit various types of assignments, where to view your instructors’ feedback on your work, how to use the various formatting tools, and some tricks you can use to help make Blackboard work best for you. This event is part of ...

What is the CUNY SPS governing council meeting?

Apr 12, 2022 · Academic Academic Advisement Academic Resources Global Search Tool (class schedule) CUNY SPS Contacts Academic Advisement: advisement@sps.cuny.edu Admissions: admissions@sps.cuny.edu Bursar (billing): bursar@sps.cuny.edu Financial Aid: financialaid@sps.cuny.edu Helpdesk: helpdesk@sps.cuny.edu or (646) 664-8592 Scholarship …

Who can attend the CUNY SPS orientation event?

On your Blackboard course page, select the Keyboard Accessible Reordering icon in the upper right-hand corner. In the Reorder box, select the item you’d like to move from the list. Use the Move Up and Move Down icons to adjust the order and click Submit. by Antonia Levy Teaching Tips Blackboard Help Blackboard Tools Faculty Development OFDIT


What is a blackboard instructor?

Blackboard Instructor is a mobile application that enables instructors to view course content, grade assignments, connect with students in discussion boards, and launch Blackboard Collaborate sessions. Students will download a different version of the Blackboard mobile application, simply called Blackboard.

Can you collaborate on Blackboard?

Collaborate. Instructors can start a Blackboard Collaborate session within the app but they cannot create a “Course Room”. To learn more about the Collaborate tool within the Blackboard application, please visit Blackboard Help’s guide on Collaborate.

Can you create voice threads on Blackboard?

Instructors cannot create VoiceThreads within the Blackboard app. Students and instructors need to download the VoiceThread app in order to use it within the mobile course. VoiceThread has provided a useful site which contains information about how to register in the app, how to view VoiceThreads, and how to create them.

What is the reorder button on Blackboard?

The r e-ordering button in Blackboard is a neat way to re-arrange items on a page , such as discussion forums, weekly folders, etc., without having to scroll and then drag things all the way up and down with your mouse. This feature can be helpful when having to re-arranging items on a long content page, or if you’ve ever re-ordered items on your course site and had them mysteriously return to their previous order. The re-order button also helps users who cannot use the drag and drop feature in Blackboard because of mobility or other issues.

What is the most important thing to do before the beginning of a new semester?

One of the most important bits of bookkeeping we all have to do before the beginning of a new semester is to update all of the due dates, availability dates, and adaptive release dates in our Blackboard courses. Fortunately, Blackboard has a tool expressly for this purpose — Date Management.

What is the reorder button on Blackboard?

The r e-ordering button in Blackboard is a neat way to re-arrange items on a page , such as discussion forums, weekly folders, etc., without having to scroll and then drag things all the way up and down with your mouse. This feature can be helpful when having to re-arranging items on a long content page, or if you’ve ever re-ordered items on your course site and had them mysteriously return to their previous order. The re-order button also helps users who cannot use the drag and drop feature in Blackboard because of mobility or other issues.

What is the most important thing to do before the beginning of a new semester?

One of the most important bits of bookkeeping we all have to do before the beginning of a new semester is to update all of the due dates, availability dates, and adaptive release dates in our Blackboard courses. Fortunately, Blackboard has a tool expressly for this purpose — Date Management.

Welcome 2021-22 Academic Year

In his new role as interim dean of CUNY SPS, Jorge Silva-Puras will bring his extensive background in administration, business management, and education, which includes a specialization in remote learning and online instruction.


CUNY SPS students, alumni, faculty, staff, and board members shared their reminiscences and well-wishes at an online retirement celebration for Dean Mogulescu.

Upcoming Events

Are you thinking about becoming an online student? This week-long simulation will introduce you to the experience of taking an online course.


Mobile Apps: Blackboard Instructor and Blackboard

  • Blackboard Instructor is a mobile application that enables instructors to view course content, grade assignments, connect with students in discussion boards, and launch Blackboard Collaborate sessions. Students will download a different version of the Blackboard mobile application, simply called Blackboard. Blackboard Instructor Blackboard
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to Begin

  • Both apps are available for IOS and Android mobile devices. The below links are for the Blackboard Instructor App 1. Download to your Apple Device 2. Download to your Android Device Download the Blackboard Instructor application. Once downloaded, search for “CUNY – School of Professional Studies” in the login screen for the app and log in using your Blackboard username …
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Mobile Application Capabilities

  • Instructor Mobile App
    Instructors using the Blackboard Instructor app can: 1. Create announcements 2. View uploaded assignment submissions, grade with a rubric, leave comments and annotations 3. Read discussion board posts, create a thread, or post a reply 4. Enter a Collaborate session within the …
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Creating Mobile-Friendly Courses

  • Content folders, Learning Modules, Lesson Plans
    Any text or images which sit on top of weekly folders, learning modules, or lesson plans are not visible in the mobile apps. See below for a comparison of a course’s weekly folders in a browser, and in the mobile app. In the latter, any text or images displayed on top of the folder are not visib…
  • Course links
    The same is true for text posted with course links, such as links to the discussion board or another Blackboard tool. Any instructions added to these links are not visible in the Blackboard mobile app. We recommend that course links do not contain instructions or questions that aren’…
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