spellingcity and blackboard

by Tyrell Hahn 8 min read

What is spellingcity for kids?

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Is there a help button on spellingcity?

Teaching spelling and vocabulary is easy with VocabularySpellingCity! Students can study and learn their word lists using vocabulary and spelling learning activities and games. Students can take final or practice spelling and vocabulary tests right on this engaging site. Premium games and automated student record keeping are available to Premium Members.

How can spelling city help your business?

How to teach spelling and vocabulary?


What is SpellingCity com?

VocabularySpellingCity.com is a K-12 game-based learning site and app that offers 40+ engaging vocabulary, spelling, phonics, and writing activities to build reading comprehension. The program is used by tens of thousands of schools, teachers, parents, and homeschoolers.

Is spelling City free right now?

To begin using VocabularySpellingCity, free student users can find lists saved by registered teachers or parents. Students should go to Search and type in the username of their teacher or parent to find their homepage and word lists.

Is spelling City free for teachers?

VocabularySpellingCity's Teaching Resources pages provide free lesson plan ideas and great supplemental materials and spelling resources for teachers in all subject areas and grade levels.

How much does spelling city cost?

PRICING PLANS Classroom annual premium memberships are $52.95 for up to 25 students, and $2 for each additional student. Family annual memberships are $29.99 for up to 5 students. Pricing for a school or district is $2 per student annually, with volume discounts available.

What can I use instead of spelling City?

Spelling Stars is another veteran educational website starting journey back in 2006. Just like Spelling City, they also have spelling lists to bolster up the vocabulary and spelling skills. One can practice spelling online, take spelling tests, and create custom spelling lists.Mar 14, 2020

Did kids AZ buy Spelling City?

In 2018, VocabularySpellingCity merged with Learning A-Z, part of Cambium Learning. The Cambium Learning Group is a leading educational solutions and services company committed to helping all students reach their full potential.

What is the best spelling app?

Best Spelling Apps for KidsSir Linkalot Spelling. (Android, iPhone, iPad) ... Spellwizards. () ... Reading Eggs. (Android, iPhone, iPad) ... Spelling Shed. (Android, iPhone, iPad) ... DoodleSpell. (Android, iPhone, iPad) ... Squeebles Spelling Test. (Android, iPhone, iPad) ... SpellNow Year 1. (iPhone, iPad) ... Spellwick - The Magical Spelling Game.More items...

What age is spelling City for?

There are six different games and activities including hangman, matching, sentence unscramble, and a spelling test. This highly functional app is recommended for children 4 and older, as it can be customized to match the age of the user.

How parents can help with spelling at home?

Tell your children a story and have them write their own ending for it. Have your children write letters and thank-you notes to friends and relatives. As your children progress, help them learn the correct spelling of the words they write. Say a word and have your children repeat the word.

Does spelling City have an app?

The VocabularySpellingCity App was designed for Apple and Android devices, and can be downloaded in the AppStore or Google Play.

Is spelling City free for parents?

We're still going to provide our free spelling practice tools to families and classrooms who've come to rely on them. VocabularySpellingCity's Premium Membership is no longer available for purchase. Instead, Premium resources are found only on VocabularyA-Z.com.

How can I practice spelling words at home?

15 New Ways to Practice Spelling Words at Home.Create a set of flashcards. ... Create a second set of flashcards with the definition of the word on it. ... Use both sets of flashcards to play spelling Memory. ... Use alphabet magnets or Scrabble tiles to spell out each word.Write the word list on a piece of construction paper.More items...

How does Spelling City work?

The idea of SpellingCity began in 2005 and in November of 2006, programming began. In January of 2007 the site was released to the public. Spelling City plans on continuing the development of their site. 1 SpellingCity is the first site to use a real human voice to boost the teaching experience, instead of just having the learner read to themselves. This is to help boost the auditory input and output of words so that kids and adults can actually hear the word and have a base to sound the words out instead of guessing. 2 It offers three different options, such as Teach Me, Test Me, or Play a game. Possible new attractions might include new games, synonyms, antonyms better way to save word lists and student records. SpellingCity might be a relatively young site but don’t underestimate its potential! 3

What is the spelling city?

The educational website, SpellingCity.com, has many possible applications in the business and industry world. In almost any area of work, communication is vital. The site has several useful tools that help with practicing grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. The resources on the website include helpful activities to learn, as well as teach.

What is edhelper?

EdHelper is a Web 2.0 tool that is similar to SpellingCity. At EdHelper you are able to look at pre-made spelling words or lists that are already on the site, just like you are able to on SpellingCity. Subscribers to both EdHelper and SpellingCity are able to insert the spelling words that they have assigned the students for the week and create different activities for the students to work on as practice to help them learn how to spell the words. However, with EdHelper teachers are able to control who looks at the spelling lists that they have made on the website by having the students “sign in” with their full name and their teachers e-mail address in order to do the game that the teacher has made for the student to work on. 4



I. History

  • This section talks about how Spelling City was developed, it's various uses, and how SpellingCity works.
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II. How SpellingCity Relates to Other Applications

  • II.1. Similar Web 2.0 Applications
    EdHelper is a Web 2.0 tool that is similar to SpellingCity. At EdHelper you are able to look at pre-made spelling words or lists that are already on the site, just like you are able to on SpellingCity. Subscribers to both EdHelper and SpellingCity are able to insert the spelling words that they hav…
  • II.2. What Makes SpellingCity Unique
    SpellingCity has two major unique features that you are able to use to help you learn the spelling words. The first unique feature is a tool called “Teach Me”. With this feature you are able to type in as many words as there are in your list on the home page and then click on the button underneat…
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III. Real World Application

  • III.1. Educational Lesson Plans
    Incorporating SpellingCity into the classroom is very easy, as it is a website designed for education and teaching. However, in order to give some specific examples as to how SpellingCity can be used at every grade level, we have developed a set of lesson plans for the elementary, se…
  • III.2. Business/Industries
    The educational website, SpellingCity.com, has many possible applications in the business and industry world. In almost any area of work, communication is vital. The site has several useful tools that help with practicing grammar, pronunciation, and spelling. The resources on the websi…
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IV. How SpellingCity Is Used Internationally

  • Spelling Differences between British and United States The internet has made it possible for students in Sydney, Australia, to be taught by a teacher in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. No problem, right? After all, they both speak English. Well, sometimes spelling differences can become an issue. There are many words that are spelled differently in Canada, England, Australia -- and othe…
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v. SpellingCity Help

  • Having Problems? On SpellingCity, there is not an actual help button or tab, but there are still ways that one can find answers to their problems or questions. Under theVideos – FAQstab, there are a couple of things to help you out. First off, there are 7 different training videos that gives you a direct presentation of what you need to do. There is also a link that says “Click to see the FAQs, …
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