sona system blackboard

by Dr. Friedrich Schultz Sr. 3 min read

What is a Sona system?

Sona Systems is an online system that Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences (MICCN) uses to manage and schedule research projects within the Monash community.

What is the SONA used for?

The Department of Psychology maintains a Research Participation Pool using an online tool called the SONA system. Using SONA, researchers can post studies which participants can sign up for. When studies are completed, SONA should be used to award credits to the participants for their time.

What is Sona research?

Sona is an online scheduling system used to record your research participation credit. You will go to the Sona website to find out what studies are being offered in a given quarter, and you will use the site to sign up for studies.

What is Sona participation?

The Sona System is a research participation and management tool that connects undergraduate students to faculty and graduate students who need participants for their research and dissertation studies.

What is my SONA number?

SONA assigns all participants a random, anonymous 5- or 6-digit ID code. This ID code is the only way you will be able to identify any participant through SONA. You will not be able to get their names, UNIs or emails through SONA.

How do I log into Sona?

How do I log into Sona? By enrolling in a class that offers credit for experiments, you have automatically been added to the Sona system. To activate your account, go to the UC Davis Sona login page. Your login is the last 6 or 7 digits of your student number.

How do I assign credits to course Sona?

If you want to do this before the end of the semester, log in to your sona account and click "Change Course Assignment." Then you can choose the course(s) you want. Then, go to each credit you earned and click "Reassign." You can then reassign each credit to the correct class.

What is Sona subject pool?

The psychology Department at Penn SAS uses the commercial platform 'sona' as a contractor for the management of Subject Pool. The pool consists of students who are enrolled in courses offered by the Dept for which the instructors have agreed to offer course credit in exchange for research participation.