snead state setting up blackboard

by Meredith Mayert Sr. 6 min read

What is my Snead state username and password?

There is a link to Blackboard at the top of the Snead State webpage ( that will direct you to the Blackboard login page. ... Aviation College at Snead State. 24 Aviation Way, Albertville, AL 35950 Hours: M-Th, 8am-4pm 256-571 …

How do I get help with blackboard?

More detailed information can be found on Blackboard’s Collaborate Ultra Help for Participants website. To fully utilize Collaborate Ultra, you will need high-speed internet and a computer with a webcam and speakers (or you can dial in using a phone). Blackboard Support – …

What Sports does Snead State Community College offer?

Apr 08, 2022 · No matter what educational or career path you choose, Snead State is the place to set the foundation for your college career. Snead State Community College offers the complete college experience with quality instruction and an active …

How do I view my Snead state unofficial transcript?

Are you going to Snead State’s website each time and clicking the OneACCS link at the top of the page? The link cannot be bookmarked. The login should be the same as your email ( and !SNEADmmddyy). Do you have pop-up blockers disabled? Make sure to exit OneACCS each time instead of simply closing the window.


OneACCS Login Instructions

If you have not yet applied for admission, please see the Steps to Apply.

OneACCS Portal

Username: You must use your Snead State email address as your username. Your email address is your full student number ([email protected]).#N#Password: Your password is !SNEADmmddyy with the mmddyy being your birthdate. *Be sure to include the exclamation point.

Students Not Enrolled at Snead State Since 2017

Students who have not been enrolled at Snead State since 2017 who need to view their unofficial transcript may visit for the link to request transcripts.

What is DegreeWorks at Snead State?

DegreeWorks is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor a student’s progress toward degree completion. DegreeWorks at Snead State is aligned with the STARS Transfer Guide to help make sure that courses will transfer. DegreeWorks combines the Snead State’s degree requirements and the coursework completed into an easy-to-read worksheet that helps students and advisors see how completed courses count toward degree requirements. DegreeWoks is designed to aid advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions.

What is an academic advisor?

Academic Advisors help students select the right courses and stay on track to graduate and/or transfer. Students should meet with an Academic Advisor each semester before registering for classes. View Academic Advising information.

What is a transient student?

You may be a new student; a student with previous college experience; a current student; a returning student; or a transient student needing to take one class or complete a degree program.
