sistema universitario ana g mendez, blackboard, orlando

by Hulda Rosenbaum III 9 min read

Puerto Rico students strike to save public higher education

Thousands of Puerto Rican students, sons and daughters of the working class and some already workers themselves, anticipated May Day actions by defiantly challenging the University of Puerto Rico’s board of administrators and the island government in mid-April when they called a student strike to defend affordable public higher education on the island..

University of Puerto Rico Student Strike Rolls On

A student strike that has shut down the university of Puerto Rico for two weeks shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

University of Puerto Rico Student Strike Continues

University of Puerto Rico’s students have been on strike for two weeks, resisting attempts by the pro-statehood administration of the colony to slash the budget by $100 million; raise tuition; eliminate or limit the tuition waiver program; and potentially privatize the university system.