sims 3 university blackboard

by Bryana Beier Jr. 8 min read

What's included in the Sims 3 university life expansion pack?

November 2013 in The Sims 3 iPhone & Mobile Discussions I'm on the goal where my teen has to use the blackboard to create a plan to try to get famous. It says that it's on the peir over the lake.

How do you get a scholarship in Sims 3 university life?

University Life Seasons Supernatural Showtime Pets ... Science Blackboard 1 1 layer, seamless, you won't get any bad cc from me as i don't use any in my game at all. please take a moment to click recommend. thank you and enjoy. ... This Exchange item contains one or more items from the Sims 3 Store, expansion pack(s) and/or stuff pack(s).

Can you go to University in Sims 3?

Sep 12, 2016 · This The Sims 3: University walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages. 32 - Brain Enhancing Machine. 33 - Mobile Radio Station. 34 - Group Science Project. 35 - Salutary Speaker's Podium. 36 - Science Research Station. 37 - Sketchbook. 38 - Whiteboard. 39 - Tips.

How do I enroll for classes at the Sims University?

Here are each of the academic performance metrics for Sim University: Attend Class. Class times fall into three time slots that fall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Classes can be from 8-10AM, 12-2PM, or 4-6PM. Fully booked, you will always have these three class times.



Make a Chart -- Gain Jock influence and improve Social Networking Skill.

More The Sims 3: University Walkthroughs

This The Sims 3: University walkthrough is divided into 39 total pages.

What is the mascot of Sims University?

Its animal mascot is a llama.

How does social networking work in Sims 4?

The skill can be increased by browsing the web from the phone, streaming a video, texting, and blogging, and by doing so, Sims will unlock new social networking interactions.

When was the second live broadcast of University Life?

The second live broadcast showcasing University Life was about to be on February 14, 2013 at 10am PST, but due to technical difficulties, the producers answered questions from the community during the livestream. The demonstration of University Life was released on March 1, 2013 and can be found on YouTube.

What social groups can you join in Sims 4?

Sims can choose to join the three social groups: nerds, jocks, and rebels. They can be in more than one social group, and the groups are optional to join. Interacting with a Sim in a certain social group may result in your Sim gaining influence with that group, even if not intended. The Jocks like to win anything.

Do Sims get bonuses?

The grades will affect the advantages, therefore Sims with higher grades will get more bonuses, while Sims with lower grades will never get any benefits.

What does the llama mascot do in Sims 4?

Llama Mascot#N#The Llama Mascot will drop off a package with freebies in your Sims' residential lot. It will also provide an aptitude test for them. Being friends with the mascot can lead to apprenticeship and your Sim will learn some dance moves.

What is the Sims phone?

The standard phone in the Sims' inventory is replaced with a smartphone, which looks like a Blackberry 10 or Android smartphone. This smartphone comes with a variety of new skins to apply, which are unlocked as the skill level grows. It functions the same as the standard phone, but with new features such as:

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How many credits do you have to graduate from college?

You always have to have all 48 to graduate. There are no options to go for less. If you choose to go for 6 credits, that means you'll have to return for more classes.

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