sepal bird-watcher blackboard

by Mrs. Kitty Little 10 min read

What is a birdwatcher called?

Birdwatching or birding means going outside to enjoy watching birds. It is a popular hobby. Someone who does this may be called a birdwatcher, but more often a twitcher or birder. They are usually amateurs. The scientific study of birds is called ornithology.

Why do they call bird watchers twitchers?

The term twitcher, sometimes misapplied as a synonym for birder, is reserved for those who travel long distances to see a rare bird that would then be ticked, or counted on a list. The term originated in the 1950s, when it was used for the nervous behaviour of Howard Medhurst, a British birdwatcher.

What is a black bird watcher?

The hashtag grew into a space for Black birders to talk about their passion for the outdoors, share photos of striking birds and tell stories of their most memorable birdwatching experiences. Being black while in nature: 'You're an endangered species'Jun 8, 2021

What is a birder?

Definition of birder 1 : a person who observes or identifies wild birds in their habitats. 2 : a catcher or hunter of birds especially for market.

What are Twitch streamers called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An online streamer or live streamer is a person who broadcasts themselves online through a live stream or prerecorded video.

Why is bird watching popular?

Today, more and more people have taken up this hobby due to the rise of smartphone apps that allow bird-watchers to easily identify and record their observances. Thanks to apps like Merlin Bird ID and Song Sleuth, Birding has become the fastest growing recreational activity among young people in the United States.Jun 14, 2020

What is bird watcher Trevor Henderson?

The Bird Watcher is an unusual creature made by Trevor Henderson. Though its size may dwarf many of the other Giants, this creature is non-aggressive and prefers to ascend and observe humans peacefully.

How did Blackbirders week start?

Origin. Black Birders Week was announced on Twitter on May 29, 2020. The initiative was prompted in part by the Central Park birdwatching incident and the murders of Black Americans such as Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.

What does SP mean in birding?

Spark bird: a species that triggers a lifelong obsession with birding. Spuh: birds that are only identifiable to genus level (on a day list) (from "sp.", abbreviated form of species).

What is bird photography?

Wildlife photography is a genre of photography concerned with documenting various forms of wildlife in their natural habitat. As well as requiring photography skills, wildlife photographers may need field craft skills.

What's the study of birds called?

An ornithologist is someone who studies ornithology — the branch of science devoted to birds. Ornithologists study every aspect of birds, including bird songs, flight patterns, physical appearance, and migration patterns.

General Syntax

For Loops – An Example

  • The init component usually sets up a counter variable, the condition checks whether the loop should be continued or stopped and the post component usually increments the counter at the end of each repetition. This loop will print the numbers from 1 to 9 (including 9). Defining the step is often done using an increment or decrement statement, as shown in the example above.
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  • You are an avid bird watcher that keeps track of how many birds have visited your garden. Usually you use a tally in a notebook to count the birds, but to better work with your data, you’ve digitalized the bird counts for the past weeks.
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Determine The Total Number of Birds That You Counted So Far

  • Let us start analyzing the data by getting a high level view. Find out how many birds you counted in total since you started your logs. Implement a function TotalBirdCount that accepts a slice of ints that contains the bird count per day. It should return the total number of birds that you counted.
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Calculate The Number of Visiting Birds in A Specific Week

  • Now that you got a general feel for your bird count numbers, you want to make a more fine-grained analysis. Implement a function BirdsInWeekthat accepts a slice of bird counts per day and a week number. It returns the total number of birds that you counted in that specific week. You can assume weeks are always tracked completely.
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Fix A Counting Mistake

  • You realized that all the time you were trying to keep track of the birds, there was one bird that was hiding in a far corner of the garden. You figured out that this bird always spent every second day in your garden. You do not know exactly where it was in between those days but definitely not in your garden. Your bird watcher intuition also tells you that the bird was in your garden on the f…
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    1. @andrerfcsantos
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