Blackboard will continue to be available until the end of Spring 2021. That means classes will transition to Canvas over the next year as individual faculty members determine appropriate timing.
Once you've chosen your Open University courses and enrolled successfully, you'll access your online courses via Canvas, SDSU's online Learning Management System. To access Canvas, you'll need to create an SDSUid account login.
The message was sent from [email protected]. Alternatively, to activate your SDSUid, log in with your WebPortal credentials at: Following the three-step process, you will be able to set a new SDSUid password and complete the SDSUid/Microsoft Office 365 activation process.Jan 12, 2022
To recover your SDSUid password: go to and type in your SDSUid (e.g. [email protected]) and use the "Forgot my password" link. You will be presented with your recovery security options.Aug 19, 2021
You will use my. SDSU to access financial aid information for the fall 2022 semester and beyond. Navigate to the my. SDSU webpage to log-in to the platform, access helpful tutorials and to read through the FAQ's.Feb 4, 2022
Notices of admission will be available in your SDSU WebPortal and an email notification will be sent. Fall first-year and transfer applicants will be notified by mid-March. Graduate applicants have different deadlines and should refer to their SDSU WebPortal or contact Graduate Admissions.Sep 13, 2021
Type in your new email address. In the example we are using [email protected]. Click on NEXT, type your password in the next screen, click on NEXT and you will access your email.Dec 4, 2020
Passwords must not contain spaces or non-printable characters....Passwords must contain at least three (3) of the following four (4) types of characters:uppercase letters (A-Z)lowercase letters (a-z)numbers (0-9)punctuation characters (!,@,#,etc.)
How to get a CardObtain your REDID number from the University.Provide a photo online. Upload a selfie online using the GET mobile app. Register online at Allow 5-7 business days for processing after your photo has been accepted.Aug 16, 2021
The expectation as an admitted or attending student is that you are checking your official SDSU email address regularly in order to stay current with university communications. Alumni will retain their campus email for 365 days after graduating.Jan 31, 2022
SDSUid is an identifier to securely access many campus IT services and can eventually become the identifier to access all IT services, workstations/devices, and labs at SDSU (e.g. [email protected]). Password management is self-service and recoverable through a variety of options, all selected and managed by you.Jan 12, 2022
SDSU Supplemental Application is a secondary application that gathers essential information necessary for admission decisions. It is a required application for admission. Complete the application as much as you can and have your unofficial transcripts. Save a copy of your completed application.