sau blackboard information

by Leann Robel 5 min read

How do I login to blackboard and Muleriders?

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What email does Sau use for student email?

BlackBoard Help Resources: BlackBoard HelpDesk - (24 X 7 Email Support) Phone Support: 1-855-218-4078. Call Center Hours: Monday-Friday 11 :00 AM-11:00 PM. (Central) BlackBoard Collaborate HelpDesk.

What is my Office 365 ID for SAU email?

MySAU Portal. Blackboard. Campus Technology - IT Dept. Course Catalog (online) Gmail. Check your SAU email anytime, anywhere. Library. Sign up for weather & emergency alerts – Receive immediate weather notifications even before they're posted on the website and social media.

How do I get my PIN number for Blackboard?

Blackboard. Blackboard is a Web-based course-management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online. To login to Blackboard, enter your username (first and middle initial, last name, and four digit number) and password (last six digits of your SSN#). You can obtain your username for Blackboard and Muleriders E-mail when you login to …


What is a blackboard?

Blackboard. Blackboard is a Web-based course-management system designed to allow students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online. To login to Blackboard, enter your username (first and middle initial, last name, and four digit number) and password (last six digits of your SSN#). You can obtain your username for Blackboard ...

What is CampusConnect?

CampusConnect is a web browser interface where students can access information specific to them at their convenience. To access off campus go to Campus Connect. Login using I.D. # (social security number) and PIN (birthdate, MMDDYYYY)
