saddlebackj blackboard

by Angel Corwin 8 min read

Does Saddleback College use Blackboard?

How to Login to Blackboard. Mouse over the Online Education menu and then click on the Blackboard link. Please note that it is strongly recommended that the student change their login password to a more secure letter/number combination. This is done through their MySite account.

How do I log into MySite?

Login to MySite? MySite is accessible from the college home pages - look for the MySite button. Use your Student Number and PIN to log into MySite.

What are Saddleback College Colors?

GoldCardinalSaddleback College/Colors

How do I log into my IVC email?

The easiest way is to login to MySite – then just click on the email link. No further login is required. You may also connect directly to your email account by going to and logging in with your IVC or Saddleback account.

How do I get my Saddleback Student ID?

College ID cards for students, faculty, or staff members can be obtained from the Office of Admissions, Records, and Enrollment Services during the office hours of operation. College ID cards are used on campus for various library, laboratory, and classroom tasks as well as printing and copying documents on campus.

What is Saddleback Student ID?

What is my Student ID number? Admission & Records (A&R) will assign you a student ID number within 24 hrs. of applying for admission. Contact A&R at (949) 582-4555 if you do not receive this email.

How do I check my Saddleback email?

Click on the link or copy and paste it into your browser. Sign in with your entire student email address as the username and a password (You must reset your password if you are using the default PIN+00 as a password).

What is Saddleback mascot?

GauchoSaddleback College / Mascot

Is Saddleback College a 4 year College?

Our rich academic traditions and strong reputation make Saddleback College an ideal place for students seeking associate degrees and certificates, transferring to four-year colleges and universities, preparing for the workforce, or pursuing lifelong learning opportunities.

What is Saddleback College new mascot?

the bobcatsSaddleback College officials announced the new school mascot will be the bobcats.May 19, 2021

What is an IVC?

Your inferior vena cava (IVC) is the major vein that brings oxygen-poor blood from the lower body back to the heart. The heart then pumps the blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen. An IVC filter is a small, wiry device.